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Liste des formulaires du Code criminel

De Le carnet de droit pénal
Voir également: Formulaires du Code criminel, Formulaires du Code criminel (Form 1 to 5.3), Formulaires du Code criminel (Form 6 to 30), et Formulaires du Code criminel (Form 31 to 54)
Formulaire Titre Section connexe Modifications Articles connexes
Forme 1 Information to Obtain a Search Warrant art. 320.29, 487 [Mandats de perquisition en vertu de l'article 487] L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 1; 2018, ch. 21, art. 28. Mandats de perquisition en vertu de l'article 487
Forme 2 Information art. 506 [Dépôt d'une dénonciation] et 788 [Laying an Summary Offence Information] L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 2;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184.
Dénonciations et actes d'accusation
Forme 3 Abrogé Abrogé [Abrogé, L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184] N/A
Forme 4 Heading of Indictment art. 566 [Preferring indictments], 566.1 [Indictments, Nunavut], 580 [Form of indictment] et 591 [Joinder and severance] L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 4;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184;
1999, ch. 3, art. 58.
Dénonciations et actes d'accusation
Forme 5 Warrant to Search art. 320.29 et 487 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 5;
1999, ch. 5, art. 45; 2018, ch. 21, art. 28.
Mandats de perquisition en vertu de l'article 487
Forme 5.001 Preservation Demand art. 487.012(1) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26. Demandes et ordonnances de préservation
Forme 5.002 Information To Obtain a Preservation Demand art. 487.013(2) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26. Demandes et ordonnances de préservation
Forme 5.003 Preservation Order art. 487.013(4) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26. Demandes et ordonnances de préservation
Forme 5.004 Information To Obtain a Production Order art. 487.014(2), 487.015(2), 487.016(2), 487.017(2) et 487.018(3) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26.
Forme 5.005 Production Order for Documents art. 487.014(3) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26.
Forme 5.006 Production Order To Trace a Communication art. 487.015(3) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26. Retracer les ordres de production de communications spécifiés
Forme 5.007 Production Order for Transmission Data or Tracking Data art. 487.016(3) et 487.017(3) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26. Transmission Ordres de production de données
Ordres de production pour les données de suivi
Forme 5.008 Production Order for Financial Data art. 487.018(4) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26. Ordres de production pour les données financières
Forme 5.0081 Information To Revoke or Vary an Order Made Under Any of Sections 487.013 to 487.018 of the Criminal Code s. 487.019(3) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26. Ordonnances de production
Forme 5.009 Information To Obtain a Non-Disclosure Order art. 487.0191(2) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26. Scellement et descellement des autorisations judiciaires
Forme 5.0091 Non-Disclosure Order art. 487.0191(3) 2014, ch. 31, art. 26. Scellement et descellement des autorisations judiciaires
Forme 5.01 Information To Obtain a Warrant To Take Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.05(1) 1998, ch. 37, art. 24. Article 487.05 Mandat de saisie d'échantillons d'ADN
Forme 5.02 Warrant Authorizing the Taking of Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.05(1) 1998, ch. 37, art. 24. Article 487.05 Mandat de saisie d'échantillons d'ADN
Forme 5.03 Order Authorizing the Taking of Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.051(1) et (2) 1998, ch. 37, art. 24;
2002, ch. 1, art. 185;
2005, ch. 25, art. 12;
2007, ch. 22, art. 23; 2019, ch. 25, art. 330.
Ordonnances ADN (Primary Designated Offences)
Forme 5.04 Order Authorizing the Taking of Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.051(3) [persons found not criminally responsible and secondary designated offences] 1998, ch. 37, art. 24;
2002, ch. 1, art. 186;
2005, ch. 25, art. 12;
2007, ch. 22, art. 23;
2012, ch. 1, art. 38;
2014, ch. 25, art. 32;

2018, ch. 16, art. 224, ch. 21, art. 29; 2019, ch. 25, art. 331; 2022, ch. 17, art. 56.

Ordonnances ADN (secondary designated offences)
Forme 5.041 Order to a Person To Have Bodily Substances Taken for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.051(4) et 487.055(3.11) 2007, ch. 22, art. 23; 2019, ch. 25, art. 332. DNA Orders (Primary Designated Offences)
Forme 5.05 Application for an Authorization To Take Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.055(1) 1998, ch. 37, art. 24;
2005, ch. 25, art. 12;
2007, ch. 22, art. 23.
Dispositions diverses en matière d'ADN
Forme 5.06 Authorization To Take Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.055(1) 1998, ch. 37, art. 24;
2005, ch. 25, art. 12;
2007, ch. 22, art. 23.
Persons failing to Attend for Taking of Sample
Forme 5.061 Summons to a Person To Have Bodily Substances Taken for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.055(4) and 487.091(3) 2007, ch. 22, art. 23; 2019, ch. 25, art. 333. Dispositions diverses en matière d'ADN
Section 487.05 Seizure Warrant of DNA Samples
Forme 5.062 Warrant for Arrest art. 487.0551(1) 2007, ch. 22, art. 23. Persons failing to Attend for Taking of Sample
Forme 5.07 Report to a Provincial Court Judge or the Court art. 487.057(1) 1998, ch. 37, art. 24;
2007, ch. 22, art. 24.
Ordonnances ADN
Forme 5.08 Application for an Authorization To Take Additional Samples of Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.091(1) 1998, ch. 37, art. 24;
2005, ch. 25, art. 13;
2007, ch. 22, art. 25.
Article 487.05 Mandat de saisie d'échantillons d'ADN
Forme 5.09 Authorization To Take Additional Samples of Bodily Substances for Forensic DNA Analysis art. 487.091(1) 1998, ch. 37, art. 24;
2005, ch. 25, art. 13;
2007, ch. 22, art. 25.
Article 487.05 Mandat de saisie d'échantillons d'ADN
Forme 5.1 Warrant To Search ss. 320.29(5), 462.32(4) a)(ii) and 487.093(1) a)(ii) L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184, ch. 1 (4e suppl.), art. 17; 2018, ch. 21, art. 30; 2022, ch. 17, art. 57.
Forme 5.2 Report to a Justice art. 489.1(3) [Report to a Justice] L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184; 2018, ch. 21, art. 31; 2022, ch. 17, art. 57. Procédure de saisie de biens
Forme 5.3 Report to a Judge of Property Seized art. 462.32 L.R., 1985, ch. 42 (4e suppl.), art. 6. Mandat de perquisition des produits de la criminalité
Forme 6 Summons to a Person Charged with an Offence s. s L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 6;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), s.184; 018, ch. 29, art. 69; 2019, ch. 25, art. 334.
Processus de délivrance
Forme 6.1 Application for a Summons under Section 485.2 art. 485.2(1) 2022, ch. 17, art. 58.
Forme 6.2 Summons to Appear for the Purposes of the Identification of Criminals Act art. 485.2(1) 2022, ch. 17, art. 58. Processus de délivrance
Forme 7 Warrant for Arrest art. 475, 493, 597, 800 and 803 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 7;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), s.203;
1997, ch. 39, art. 3;
1999, ch. 5, art. 46; 2019, ch. 25, art. 335.
Forme 7.1 Warrant To Enter Dwelling-house art. 529.1 [Entrée sur un lieu pour exécuter un mandat d'arrêt] 1997, ch. 39, art. 3;
2002, ch. 13, art. 85.
Entrée sur un lieu pour exécuter un mandat d'arrêt
Forme 8 Warrant for Committal art. 493 and 515 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 8;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), ss. 184, 203; 2019, ch. 25, art. 336/
Poursuite de la détention Après avoir comparu devant un juge
Forme 9 Appearance Notice art. 2 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 9;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184;
1994, ch. 44, art. 84;
1997, ch. 18, art. 115; 2018, ch. 29, art. 70; 2019, ch. 25, art. 337
Forme 10 Undertaking art. 2 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 10;
1994, ch. 44, art. 84;
1997, ch. 18, art. 115; 2018, ch. 29, art. 70; 2019, ch. 25, art. 337; 2022, ch. 17, art. 59.
Promise to Appear, Issued by Police
Forme 11 Release Order art. 2 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 11;
1992, ch. 1, art. 58;
1994, ch. 44, art. 84;
1997, ch. 18, art. 115; 2018, ch. 29, art. 70; 2019, ch. 25, art. 337.
Libération par la police sous engagement
Forme 11.1 Order to Appear for the Purposes of the Identification of Criminals Act art. 515.01 1994, ch. 44, art. 84;
1997, ch. 18, art. 115;
1999, ch. 25, art. 24;
2002, ch. 13, art. 86(F); 2018, ch. 29, art. 71; 2019, ch. 25, art. 337; 2022, ch. 17, art. 60.
Libération par la police sous engagement
Forme 12 Surety Declaration art. 515.1 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 12; L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184; 1994, ch. 44, art. 84; 1999, ch. 25, art. 25; 2008, ch. 18, art. 45.1; 2018, ch. 29, art. 72; 2019, ch. 25, art. 337. Libération avec ou sans caution et dépôt
Form 13 [Repealed, 2019, ch. 25, art. 337]
Form 14 [Repealed, 2019, ch. 25, art. 337]
Forme 15 Warrant To Convey Accused Before Justice of Another Territorial Division art. 543 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 15; 2019, ch. 25, art. 338.
Forme 16 Subpoena to a Witness art. 699 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 16;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184;
1999, ch. 5, art. 47.
Comparution obligatoire des témoins
Forme 16.1 Subpoena to a Witness in the Case of Proceedings in Respect of an Offence Referred to in Subsection 278.2(1) of the Criminal Code art. 278.3(5) [Service of application and subpoena] and 699(7) [Form of subpoena in sexual offences] 1997, ch. 30, art. 3. Production de Dossiers pour infractions sexuelles
Comparution obligatoire des témoins
Forme 17 Warrant for Witness ss. 698 and 705 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 17;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184.
Mandats d'arrêt pour témoins
Forme 18 Warrant To Arrest an Absconding Witness art. 704 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 18;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 203; 2019, ch. 25, art. 339.
Mandats d'arrêt pour témoins
Forme 19 Warrant Remanding a Prisoner ss. 516 and 537 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 19;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184; 2019, ch. 25, art. 340.
Forme 20 Warrant of Committal of Witness for Refusing To Be Sworn or To Give Evidence art. 545 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 20;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184; 2019, ch. 25, art. 341.
Witness Refusing to Testify
Forme 21 Warrant of Committal on Conviction ss. 570 and 806 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 21;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184;
1995, ch. 22, art. 9;
2009, ch. 29, art. 4.
Forme 22 Warrant of Committal on an Order for the Payment of Money art. 806 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 22;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184; 2019, ch. 25, art. 342.
Forme 23 Warrant of Committal for Failure To Furnish Recognizance To Keep the Peace ss. 810 and 810.1 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 23;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), ss. 184, 203;
1993, ch. 45, art. 12.
Forme 24 Warrant of Committal of Witness for Failure To Enter into Recognizance art. 550 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 24;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184; 2019, ch. 25, art. 343.
Forme 25 Warrant of Committal for Contempt art. 708 [Contempt] L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 25;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184; 2019, ch. 25, art. 344.
Finding of Contempt
Forme 26 Warrant of Committal in Default of Payment of Costs of an Appeal art. 827 N/A
Forme 27 Warrant of Committal on Forfeiture of Amounts art. 773 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 27;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184; 2019, ch. 25, art. 345.
Estraitement de l'engagement
Forme 28 Endorsement of Warrant art. 528 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 28;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184; 2019, ch. 25, art. 346.
Mandats d'arrêt hors province
Form 28.1 Repealed Repealed N/A
Forme 29 Endorsement of Warrant art. 507 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 29;
1994, ch. 44, art. 84.
Processus de délivrance
Forme 30 Order for Accused to Be Brought Before Justice Prior to Expiration of Period of Remand art. 537 2019, ch. 25, art. 347.
Forme 31 Deposition of a Witness art. 540 N/A Preliminary Inquiry Depositions
Forme 32 Recognizance ss. 493, 550, 679, 706, 707, 810, 810.1, 817 and 832 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 32;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), ss. 101, 184, 203;
ch. 42 (4e suppl.), art. 7;
1993, ch. 45, arts. 13, 14;
1999, ch. 25, art. 27, 2019, ch. 25, art. 348; 2022, ch. 17, art. 61(F).
Release With and Without Sureties and Deposits
Forme 33 Certificate of Default to Be Endorsed art. 770 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 33;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 203;
1994, ch. 44, art. 84; 2019, ch. 25, art. 349.
Forme 34 Writ of Fieri Facias art. 771 N/A Estraitement de l'engagement
Forme 34.1 Statement on Restitution art. 737.1(4) 2011, ch. 6, art. 5;
2015, ch. 13, art. 35.
Forme 34.2 Victim Impact Statement art. 722(4) 2015, ch. 13, art. 35. Déclarations des victimes
Forme 34.3 Community Impact Statement art. 722.2(2) 2015, ch. 13, art. 35. Déclarations des victimes
Forme 35 Conviction ss. 570 and 806 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 35;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), ss. 184, 203.
Verdicts du procès
Forme 36 Order Against an Offender ss. 570 and 806 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 36;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184.
Verdicts du procès
Forme 37 Order Acquitting Accused art. 570 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 37;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), ss. 184, 203.
Verdicts du procès
Forme 38 Conviction for Contempt art. 708 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 38; 2019, ch. 25, art. 350. Outrage au tribunal (infraction)
Forme 39 Order for Absolution of a Person in Custody art. 519 and 550 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 39; 2019, ch. 25, art. 351.
Forme 40 Challenge To Array art. 629 N/A Contestation du jury
Forme 41 Challenge for Cause art. 639 N/A Défi motivé
Forme 42 Certificate of Non-payment of Costs of Appeal art. 827 N/A Procédure d'appel pour les condamnations sommaires
Forme 43 Jailer’s Receipt to Peace Officer for Prisoner art. 744 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 43;
1995, ch. 22, art. 18.
Imprisonment, Execution of Warrant of Committal
Forme 44 N/A art. 667 [Proof of previous conviction] L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 44;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184, ch. 1 (4e suppl.), art. 18;
1995, ch. 22, art. 18;
2005, ch. 10, art. 34.
Preuve de condamnation antérieure
Forme 45 N/A art. 667 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 45;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 184;
2005, ch. 10, art. 34.
Preuve de condamnation antérieure
Forme 46 Probation Order art. 732.1 L.R., 1985, ch. C-46, Form 46;
L.R., 1985, ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 203;
1995, ch. 22, art. 10;
2004, ch. 12, art. 17.
Ordonnances de probation
Forme 47 Order To Disclose Income Tax Information art. 462.48 L.R., 1985, ch. 42 (4e suppl.), art. 8. Ordonnance de divulgation des produits de la criminalité
Forme 48 Assessment Order of the Court art. 672.13 1991, ch. 43, art. 8;
1995, ch. 22, art. 10;
2005, ch. 22, art. 40;
2014, ch. 6, art. 19; 2019, ch. 25, art. 352.
Évaluation de l'aptitude et de la responsabilité pénale
Forme 48.1 Assessment Order of the Review Board art. 672.13 2005, ch. 22, art. 40;
2014, ch. 6, art. 20.
Évaluation de l'aptitude et de la responsabilité pénale
Forme 48.2 Victim Impact Statement — Not Criminally Responsible art. 672.5(14) 2015, ch. 13, art. 36. Procédure d'audience de la commission de révision
Forme 49 Warrant of Committal, Disposition of Detention art. 672.57 1991, ch. 43, art. 8; 2019, ch. 25, art. 353. Auditions de décision de la commission de révision
Forme 50 Warrant of Committal, Placement Decision art. 672.7(2) [Warrant of committal, Review Board] 1991, ch. 43, art. 8. Dual Status Offenders
Forme 51 Notice of Obligation To Provide Samples of Bodily Substance ss. 732.1(3)(c.2), 742.3(2)(a.2), 810(3.02) c), 810.01(4.1)(g), 810.011(6)(f), 810.1(3.02)(i) and 810.2(4.1)(g) 1991, ch. 43, art. 8;
1995, ch. 22, art. 10 (Sch. I, item 37);
2005, ch. 22, art. 41;
2011, ch. 7, art. 13;
2015, ch. 20, art. 34.
Forme 52 Order To Comply with Sex Offender Information Registration Act art. 490.012 2004, ch. 10, art. 21;
2007, ch. 5, art. 30;
2010, ch. 17, art. 26;
2013, ch. 24, art. 117(F).
Ordonnances LERDS
Forme 53 Notice of Obligation To Comply with Sex Offender Information Registration Act ss. 490.019 and 490.032 2004, ch. 10, art. 21;
2007, ch. 5, art. 31;
2013, ch. 24, art. 117(F);
2014, ch. 25, art. 33.
Ordonnances LERDS
Forme 54 Obligation To Comply with Sex Offender Information Registration Act ss. 490.02901 to 490.02903, 490.02905 and 490.032 2010, ch. 17, art. 27. Ordonnances LERDS

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