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Liste des modifications du Code criminel (2000 à 2009)

De Le carnet de droit pénal

2005 à 2009

Voir également: Liste des modifications au Code criminel

2009, ch. 29

2009, ch. 29 (Projet de loi C-25)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Truth in Sentencing Act 2009, ch. 29 (Projet de loi C-25) 22 octobre 2009 22 Février 2010 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
The act "specif[ies] the extent to which a court may take into account time spent in custody by an offender before sentencing". It adds s. 515(9.1).
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 719(3) and Form 21 in Part XXVIII.

2009, ch. 28

2009, ch. 28 (Projet de loi S-4)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (identity theft and related misconduct) 2009, ch. 28 (Projet de loi S-4) 22 octobre 2009 8 janvier 2010 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
The changes to the Code "create offences of identity theft, trafficking in identity information and unlawful possession or trafficking in certain government-issued identity documents, to clarify and expand certain offences related to identity theft and identity fraud, to exempt certain persons from liability for certain forgery offences, and to allow for an order that the offender make restitution to a victim of identity theft or identity fraud for the expenses associated with rehabilitating their identity".
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 56.1, 356 (3), 366(5), 368.1, and 368.2, 402.1, and 402.2. It also replaces s. 130, 342(3), 342(4), 342.01(1), 356(1), 368(1), 369, and 403. It amends s. 183 and 738(1).

2009, ch. 22

2009, ch. 22 (Projet de loi C-14)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (organized crime and protection of justice system participants) 2009, ch. 22 (Projet de loi C-14) 23 juin 2009 2 octobre 2009 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
The amendments to the Code "add to the sentencing provisions for murder so that any murder committed in connection with a criminal organization is first degree murder, regardless of whether it is planned and deliberate; to create offences of intentionally discharging a firearm while being reckless about endangering the life or safety of another person, of assaulting a peace officer with a weapon or causing bodily harm and of aggravated assault of a peace officer; and to extend the duration of a recognizance to up to two years for a person who it is suspected will commit a criminal organization offence, a terrorism offence or an intimidation offence under section 423.1 if they were previously convicted of such an offence, and to clarify that the recognizance may include conditions such as electronic monitoring, participation in a treatment program and a requirement to remain in a specified geographic area."
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 2.1, 244.2, 270.01, 270.02, 718.02 replaces s. 84(1), (5) b), 85(1), 231(6.01) to (6.2), 239(2) b), 244(3) b), 272(3) b), 279(1.2) b), 344(2) b), 346(1.2) b), 515(6) a)(vii), 810.01(3), 810.01(5) to (5.2) and it amends s. 183, 487.04.

2009, ch. 2

2009, ch. 2 (Projet de loi C-10)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Budget Implementation Act 2009, ch. 2 (Projet de loi C-10) 12 mars 2009 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
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Consequential amendments to the Code relating to larger changes to the Competition Act.
Code modifié Sec.
It amends s. 183

2008, ch. 18

2008, ch. 18 (Projet de loi C-13)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal procedure, language of the accused, sentencing and other amendments) 2008, ch. 18 (Projet de loi C-13) 29 mai 2008 29 mai July 2, et 1 octobre 2008 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends various provisions of the Criminal Code in relation to criminal procedure, language of the accused, sentencing and other matters."
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 255(3.1), 259(2.1), 507.1(11), 530.01, 503.1(c.1), 530.2, 533.1, 537(1.01), 634(2.2), 683(7), 685(2), 695(2) et (3), 715(2.1), 720(2), 743.21. It replaces s. 4(7), 145(3), 164.2(1), 202(1)(i), 204(2), 259(1.1) to (1.4), 259(2) a), 259(4), 351, 481.2, 487(2), (4), 487.03(1), (1.1), 490(17), 530(3), (5), (6), 530.1, 530.1(d) et (e), 531, 565(2) et (3), 568, 569 640(2) to (3), 676(1.1), 683(5) to (5.1), 701.1, 732.1(5) et (6), 734(5), 734.2, 742.3(3) et (4), 743.5(1), 743.5(3), 787(1), 803(2) et (3), Form 12. It repeals s. 117.13(4), (5), 487.055(6), 501(5), 509(3), 701(3), 729(4) et (5), 742.6(6) et (7).

2008, ch .12

2008, ch. 12 (S-213)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (cruelty to animals) 2008, ch. 12 (S-213) 17 avril 2008 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
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The "enactment amends the Criminal Code to increase the maximum penalties for animal cruelty offences."
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 444, 445, 445.1, 446, 447, and 447.1.

2008, ch. 6

39th Parliament, 2nd session

2008, ch. 6 (C-2)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Tackling Violent Crime Act 2008, ch. 6 (C-2)
28 Février 2008 1 mai 2008 (s. 1 to 17, 28 to 38, 57, 58)
2 juillet 2008 (s. 18 to 27, 39 to 53, 55, 56, 59, and 60)
texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code by... creating two new firearm offences and providing escalating mandatory sentences of imprisonment for serious firearm offences;... strengthening the bail provisions for those accused of serious offences involving firearms and other regulated weapons;... providing for more effective sentencing and monitoring of dangerous and high-risk offenders;...introducing a new regime for the detection and investigation of drug impaired driving and strengthening the penalties for impaired driving; and... raising the age of consent for sexual activity from 14 to 16 years."
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 84(5), (6), 98.1, 150.1(6), 253(2), 254.1, 258.1, 272(3) et (4), 273(3) et (4), 279(1.2) et (1.3), 279.1(2.1) et (2.2), 344(2) et (3), 346(1.2) et (1.3), 752.01, 753.01, 753.02, 755, it replaces s. 85(1) a), 85(3) a), (b) et (c), 91(1), (2), 92(1), (2), 93(1), 94(1), 95(1), 95(2) a), 98, 99(2), (3), 100(2), 103(2), 150.1(1) et (2), 172.1(1) b) et (c), 239, 244, 254(2) to (6), 255(1) a)(i) to (iii), 255(1) c), 255(2) et (3), 256(5), 257(2), 259(1), 261, 272(2) a), 273(2) a) et (a.1), 279(1.1) a) et (a.1), 279.1(1), 279.1(2) a), 344(a), 346(1.1) a), 515(10) c), 662(6), 743.1(3.1), 752.1, 753.1(3), 753.2(2), 753.3(1), 753.4(1), 757, 759(1) to (5), 810.1(3), 810.2(3), 810.2(5) to (6), it amends s. 150.1(4), 151, 152, 153(2), 160(3), 161(1), 170(a) et (b), 171(a) et (b), 173(2), 183(a), 253(1), 254(1), 255(4), 258(1), 259(2), 273.3(1) a) et (b), 348.1, 487.04, 490.011(1), 515(6), 752, 753, 753.2(1), 754(1), 810.1(1), (3) a) et (b), it repeals 753(6), 753.1(4) et (5).

2007, ch. 28

2007, ch. 28 (Projet de loi C-59)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (unauthorized recording of a movie) 2007, ch. 28 (Projet de loi C-59) 22 juin 2007 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to prohibit the unauthorized recording of a movie in a movie theatre (camcording)."
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 432.

2007, ch. 22

2007, ch. 22 (Projet de loi C-18)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend certain Acts in relation to DNA identification 2007, ch. 22 (Projet de loi C-18) 22 juin 2007 22 juin 2007 and 1 janvier 2008 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
This enactment amends the Criminal Code ... [amending] the provisions ... relating to orders for the taking of samples of bodily substances for forensic DNA analysis apply to persons who are sentenced ... allows an order to be made ... adds attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder or to cause another person to be murdered to the offences covered by section 487.055 ... permits an application to be made ... when a person is still serving a sentence of imprisonment for one of the specified offences, rather than requiring that they be serving a sentence of imprisonment of two years or more for that offence;... in certain circumstances, allows ... [a person] to appear by closed-circuit television or a similar ... allows samples of bodily substances to be taken under the Criminal Code ... at the place, day and time set by an order or a summons or as soon as feasible afterwards;... specifies that it is an offence ... to fail to comply with such an order or summons.
Code modifié Sec.

It adds s. 487.055(1)(c.1), 487.055(3.01), 487.055(3.11), 487.0551, 487.0552, 487.056(4) to (6), 487.057(3). It replaces s. 487.04 [in part], 487.051, 487.054, 487.055(1) d) et (e), 487.055(4), 487.056(1), 487.056(2) et (3), 487.057(1), 487.058, 487.06(1), 487.06(3), 487.07(1), 487.071(1), 487.071(2) b), 487.08(1.1), 487.091(1) a), 487.091(1) b), 487.091(2) 487.091(3), 487.0911(1) to (3), 703(2), Forms 5.03 to 5.06, Form 5.07, Forms 5.08 and 5.09. It repeals s. 487.03(2), 487.055(7) to (10), Form 28.1.

2007, ch. 20

2007, ch. 20 (Projet de loi C-277)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (luring a child) 2007, ch. 20 (Projet de loi C-277) 22 juin 2007 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to increase from five years to ten years the maximum punishment for an offence under section 172.1 (luring a child). It also specifies that, in the case of a summary conviction for this offence, the maximun [sic] punishment is eighteen months."
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 172.1(2) a) et (b).

2007, ch. 13

2007, ch. 13 (Projet de loi C-48)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code in order to implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption 2007, ch. 13 (Projet de loi C-48) 31 mai 2007 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment makes technical amendments to the corruption and offence-related provisions of the Criminal Code to implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption."
Code modifié Sec.
It amends s. 2, 118, 490.1(1), it replaces s. 119(1), 120, 121(1) b) to (f), 123(1) et (2), 426(1) a), 490.1(2), 490.1(3), 490.2(1) et (2), 490.4(3), 490.41(1).

2007, ch. 12

2007, ch. 12 (Projet de loi C-9)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conditional sentence of imprisonment) 2007, ch. 12 (Projet de loi C-9) 31 mai 2007 1 dec 2007 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends section 742.1 of the Criminal Code to provide that a person convicted of a serious personal injury offence as defined in section 725 of that Act, a terrorism offence or a criminal organization offence prosecuted by way of indictment for which the maximum term of imprisonment is ten years or more is not eligible for a conditional sentence."
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 742.1.

2007, ch. 9

2007, ch. 9 (Projet de loi C-26)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal interest rate) 2007, ch. 9 (Projet de loi C-26) 3 mai 2007 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code by exempting persons from the application of section 347 of that Act in respect of agreements for small, short-term loans. The exemption applies to persons who are licensed or otherwise authorized to enter into such agreements by designated provinces that have legislative measures that protect recipients of payday loans and that specify a limit on the total cost of those loans."
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 347(1). It adds s. 347.1.

2007, ch. 5

2007, ch. 5 (Projet de loi S-3)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the National Defence Act, the Criminal Code, the Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the Criminal Records Act 2007, ch. 5 (Projet de loi S-3) 29 mars 2007 12 sept. 2008 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"It ... makes certain amendments to the Criminal Code and the Sex Offender Information Registration Act to enhance the administration and enforcement of the current registration scheme for sex offender information."
Code modifié Sec.

It adds s. 490.016(3), 490.017(2), 490.023(1.1), 490.027(3), 490.031(2), 490.0311 It replaces s. 490.011(1) [in part], 490.012, 490.012(1) to (3), 490.013(2) a) to (c), 490.013(3) et (4), 490.013(5), 490.015, 490.016(1), 490.018(3) b), 490.019 [header], 490.02(1), 490.02(2) a) et (b), 490.02(2) c), 490.021(2), 490.022(1) a) et (b), 490.022(3) a) et (b), 490.022(3) c), 490.022(3) d), 490.023(1), 490.025 and 490.026, 490.027(1), 490.028 and 490.029, 490.03(1) a) et (b), 490.03(2) to (4), 490.031, Form 52, Form 53 It repeals s.

2006, ch. 14

2006, ch. 14 (Projet de loi C-19)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (street racing) and to make a consequential amendment to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act 2006, ch. 14 (Projet de loi C-19) 14 décembre 2006 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to create an offence of street racing based on dangerous driving and criminal negligence offences. This enactment increases, in street racing situations, the maximum punishments for some offences and also provides for minimum prohibitions on driving that increase on a second and subsequent offence."
Code modifié Sec.
It amends s. 2, 260(1), 673, 785, it adds s. 249.2, 249.3, 249.4, 259(3.1) to (3.4), it replaces s. 259(5), 261(1) et (2).

2006, ch. 9

2006, ch. 9 (Projet de loi C-2)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Federal Accountability Act 2006, ch. 9 (Projet de loi C-2) 12 décembre 2006 1 mars 2007 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
It "amends the ... Criminal Code to create indictable offences for fraud with respect to public money or money of a Crown corporation, and makes persons convicted of those offences ineligible to be employed by the Crown or the corporation or to otherwise contract with the Crown."
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 750(3).

2005, ch. 44

2005, ch. 44 (Projet de loi C-53)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (proceeds of crime) and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make consequential amendments to another Act 2005, ch. 44 (Projet de loi C-53) 25 novembre 2005 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code ... to provide a reverse onus of proof in proceeds of crime applications involving offenders who have been convicted of a criminal organization offence or certain offences under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The enactment provides that a court shall make an order of forfeiture against any property of an offender [where] the offender has engaged in a pattern of criminal activity or has an income unrelated to crime that cannot reasonably account for all of the offender’s property. The enactment also amends the Criminal Code to clarify the authority of the Attorney General of Canada in regards to proceeds of crime and to clarify the definition “designated offence” in regards to offences that may be prosecuted by indictment or on summary conviction. It also amends a provision of the Criminal Code to ensure the equivalency of the English and French versions."
Code modifié Sec.

It adds s. 462.37(2.01) to (2.07). It replaces s. 462.3 (1) [in part], 462.3(3), 462.32(1), 462.33(2) c), 462.33(3), 462.33(5), 462.33(10) c), 462.341, 462.37(3), 462.4(a), 462.41(1), 462.41(3) [in part], 462.42(1), 462.45, 462.46(1), 689(1).

2005, ch. 43

2005, ch. 43 (Projet de loi C-49)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons) 2005, ch. 43 (Projet de loi C-49) 25 novembre 2005 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to ... create an offence of trafficking in persons that prohibits a person from engaging in specified acts for the purpose of exploiting or facilitating the exploitation of another person; ... create an offence that prohibits a person from receiving a financial or other material benefit that they know results from the commission of the offence of trafficking in persons; ... create an offence that prohibits concealing, removing, withholding or destroying travel documents or documents that establish or purport to establish another person’s identity or immigration status for the purpose of committing or facilitating the offence of trafficking in persons; and ... establish that a person exploits another person if they cause them to provide, or offer to provide, labour or a service by engaging in conduct that could reasonably be expected to cause the other person to believe that their safety or that of someone known to them would be threatened if they failed to do so or if, by means of deception or the use or threat of force or of any other form of coercion, they cause the other person to have an organ or tissue removed."
Code modifié Sec.

It adds s. 279.01, 279.02, 279.03, 279.04. It replaces s. 183 [in part], 279 [header], 486(1.1), 486(2.1), 486(3) a)(i), 487.04 [in part], 490.011(1) [in part], 738(1) b).

2005, ch. 40

2005, ch. 40 (Projet de loi S-37)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Cultural Property Export and Import Act 2005, ch. 40 (Projet de loi S-37) 25 novembre 2005 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to prohibit certain offences, including theft, robbery, mischief and arson against cultural property protected under the 1954 Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. Those amendments allow for the prosecution of such offences when committed outside Canada by Canadians."
Code modifié Sec.

It adds s. 7(2.01), (2.02), 430(4.2). It replaces s. 2 [in part].

2005, ch. 38

2005, ch. 38 (C-26)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Canada Border Services Agency Act 2005, ch. 38 (C-26) 3 novembre 2005 12 décembre 2005 texte officiel
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Incidental amendments in creating the Canada Border Services Agency.
Code modifié Sec.
It amends s. 2.

2005, ch. 32

2005, ch. 32 (Projet de loi C-2)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (protection of children and other vulnerable persons) and the Canada Evidence Act 2005, ch. 32 (Projet de loi C-2) 20 juillet 2005 1 novembre 2005 (s. 1 to 12, 24, 25) and 2 janvier 2006 (s.13 to 23, 26 to 27.1) texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to ... amend the child pornography provisions with respect to the type of written and audio material that constitutes child pornography, and with respect to the child pornography offences, defences and penalties; ... add a new category to the offence of sexual exploitation of young persons and make additional amendments to further protect children from sexual exploitation;... increase the maximum penalty for child sexual offences, for failing to provide the necessaries of life and for abandoning a child;... make child abuse an aggravating factor for the purpose of sentencing and direct the courts to give primary consideration to the objectives of denunciation and deterrence in sentencing for offences involving abuse of a child; ... amend and clarify the applicable test and criteria that need to be met for the use of testimonial aids, for excluding the public, for imposing a publication ban, for using video-recorded evidence or for appointing counsel for self-represented accused to conduct a cross-examination of certain witnesses; and ... create an offence of voyeurism and the distribution of voyeuristic material."
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 153(1.1), (1.2), 161(1.1), 162, 163.1(4.3), 486.1, 486.2, 486.3, 486.4, 486.5, 486.6, 718. It replaces s. 127, 150.1(2) et (3), 151, 152, 153(1), 161(1), 163.1(1) to (4), (4.1), (6), (7), 164(1), (3) to (5), (7), (8) [definition], 164.1(1), (5), (7), 170, 171, 183 [definition], 212(2), (4), 215(3), 218, 276.3, 278.9(1), 486, 487.2(1), 539(1), 542(2), 631(6), 648(1), 672.51(11), 715.1, 715.2, 718.2(a)(ii). It repeals s. 487.2(2), 539(4), 542(3), 648(3).

2005, ch. 25

2005, ch. 25 (Projet de loi C-13)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the DNA Identification Act and the National Defence Act 2005, ch. 25 (Projet de loi C-13) 19 mai 2005 Sur sanction royale and 1 janvier 2008 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
Code modifié Sec.

It adds s. 487.051(4), 487.055(3)(a.1), 487.055(3) b)(iv) to (vi), 487.0561, 487.0911. It replaces s. 487.04 [in part], 487.051(1) to (3), 487.052 and 487.053, 487.055(1), 487.056(1), 487.071, 487.08(1.1), 487.08(4), 487.091(1) et (2), Forms 5.03 to 5.06, Forms 5.08 and 5.09. It repeals s. 487.08(2.1).

2005, ch. 22

2005, ch. 22 (Projet de loi C-10)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mental disorder) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts 2005, ch. 22 (Projet de loi C-10) 19 mai 2005 Sur sanction royale texte officiel
Texte CanLII
Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends Part XX.1 of the Criminal Code governing persons found unfit to stand trial or not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder. The amendments, among other things, include ... repealing unproclaimed provisions related to capping, dangerous mentally disordered accused and hospital orders; ... expanding the authority of Review Boards by enabling them to order an assessment of the accused, adjourn hearings and protect the identity of victims and witnesses; ... permitting the oral presentation of victim impact statements at disposition hearings and adjournments allowing the victim to prepare the statement; ... permitting Review Boards to extend the time for holding a review hearing to a maximum of 24 months in certain circumstances; ... permitting the court to hold an inquiry and order a judicial stay of proceedings for an accused found unfit to stand trial, if the accused is not likely to ever be fit to stand trial and does not pose a significant risk to the safety of the public and a stay is in the interests of the proper administration of justice; ... specifying that the transfer provisions require the consent of the appropriate Attorneys General in all cases and enabling transfers of an accused who is not in custody; and ... allowing peace officers arresting an accused who is in contravention of an assessment order or a disposition to release, detain, compel the appearance of or deliver the accused to a place specified in the order."
Code modifié Sec.
It added s. 672.1(2), 672.121, 672.16(1.1), (1.2), 672.33(1.1), 672.45(1.1), 672.47(3), 672.5(5.1), 672.5(13.2), 672.5(15.1), (15.2), (15.3), 672.501, 672.85 [header], 672.851, 672.852. It replaced s. 672.1 [renumbered], 672.1(1) [in part], 672.11(e), 672.13(2), 672.14(3), 672.15(1), 672.16(1), 672.16(2), 672.16(3), 672.17, 672.191, 672.2(2), 672.2(4), 672.5(8), 672.5(16), 672.51(11), 672.52(2), 672.54, 672.541, 672.63, 672.67(2), 672.81(2), 672.82(1), 672.85, 672.85(b), 672.86(1) b), 672.86(3), 672.91 to 672.94, 673 [definition], Form 48.

It repealed s. 672.21(3) c), 672.55(2), 672.64 to 672.66, 672.79, 672.8, 672.83(2), 672.84, schedule to Part XX.1, 747 [header], 747 to 747.8, Form 51.

2005, ch. 10

2005, ch. 10 (Projet de loi C-6)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act 2005, ch. 10 (Projet de loi C-6) 23 mars 2005 4 avril 2005 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
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Code modifié Sec.

It replaces s. 83.05(1.1) to (4), 83.05(6) a), 83.05(7) to (10), 83.06(1) et (2), 83.07, 83.09(1) et (2), 185(1), 186(6), 187(2), 196(1) et (2).

2000 à 2004

2004, ch. 15

2004, ch. 15 (C–7)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend certain Acts of Canada, and to enact measures for implementing the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, in order to enhance public safety 2004, ch. 15 (C–7) 6 mai 2004 1 dec 2004 texte officiel
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The Act "adds a new offence to the Criminal Code for communicating information or committing any act that is likely to lead others to falsely believe that terrorist activity is occurring, with the intention of causing persons to fear death, bodily harm, substantial damage to property or serious interference with the lawful use or operation of property."
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 83.231.

2004, ch. 14

2004, ch. 14 (Projet de loi C-250)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (hate propaganda) 2004, ch. 14 (Projet de loi C-250) 6 May 2004 ? Texte CanLII Historique législatif complet
Code modifié Sec.

2004, ch. 12

2004, ch. 12 (Bill C–14)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and other Acts 2004, ch. 12 (Bill C–14) 22 avril 2004 22 avril 2004 and 1 oct 2004 texte officiel
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Historique législatif complet
The Act "amends the Criminal Code by... establishing more serious offences for placing, or knowingly permitting to remain in a place, a trap, device or other thing that is likely to cause death or bodily harm to a person;... permitting the use of as much force as is reasonably necessary on board an aircraft to prevent the commission of an offence that would be likely to cause immediate and serious injury to the aircraft or to any person or property in the aircraft;... modifying the provision dealing with the provision of information on oath in relation to weapons; and... creating an exemption to the offence of intercepting private communications in order to protect computer systems."
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 7(8), 117.04, 247, 462.43(1) c), 536(4), (4.1), 536.1(3), (4), 729(1) b), 732.2(1) c), 741(1), 742.2(2), 742.6(10), (12), (14) to (16), 742.6(17), 742.7(1), (4). It modifies s. 184(2), 193(2). It adds s. 27.1, 184(3) and Form 46.

2004, ch. 10

2004, ch. 10 (Projet de loi C-16)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Full: An Act respecting the registration of information relating to sex offenders, to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
Short: Sex Offender Information Registration Act
2004, ch. 10 (Projet de loi C-16) 1 avril 2004 15 décembre 2004 texte officiel
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"The enactment amends the Criminal Code to enable the Crown to apply for an order to require an offender who is convicted of, or found not criminally responsible on account of a mental disorder for, certain offences to report regularly to a designated registration centre and provide information. It creates a new Criminal Code offence for failure to comply with the order, as well as an offence for providing false or misleading information."
Code modifié Sec.

It adds s. 490.011, 490.012, 490.013, 490.014, 490.015, 490.016, 490.017, 490.018, 490.019, 490.02, 490.021, 490.022, 490.023, 490.024, 490.025, 490.026, 490.027, 490.028, 490.029, 490.03, 490.031, 490.032, Form 52 [in part]

2004, ch. 3

2004, ch. 3 (Bill C–13)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (capital markets fraud and evidence-gathering) 2004, ch. 3 (Bill C–13) 29 mars 2004 15 sept. 2004 (s. 2 to 8) and 15 sept. 2005 (s. 1) texte officiel
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"This enactment amends the Criminal Code by creating a new offence of prohibited insider trading and creating a new offence to prohibit threatening or retaliating against employees for disclosing unlawful conduct. The enactment increases the maximum penalties and codifies aggravating and non-mitigating sentencing factors for fraud and certain related offences and provides for concurrent jurisdiction for the Attorney General of Canada to prosecute those offences. The enactment also creates a new procedural mechanism by which persons will be required to produce documents, data or information in specific circumstances."
Code modifié Sec.
It amends s. 2, 382. It replaces s. 380(1) a), 380(2), 487.3(1), 487.3(4). It adds s. 380.1, 382.1, 425.1, 487.011 to 487.017.

2003, ch. 21

2003, ch. 21 (Projet de loi C-45)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (criminal liability of organizations) 2003, ch. 21 (Projet de loi C-45) 7 novembre 2003 31 mars 2004 (all except s. 556), June 1,2004 texte officiel
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"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to ... establish rules for attributing to organizations, including corporations, criminal liability for the acts of their representatives; ... establish a legal duty for all persons directing work to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of workers and the public; ... set out factors for courts to consider when sentencing an organization; and ... provide optional conditions of probation that a court may impose on an organization." Also known as the "Westray Bill", it created legal duties to employers for workplace safety.
Code modifié Sec.
It amends s. 2, 362(1) c), 620 to 623, 732.1(1), 734(1), 735(1), it added s. 22.1, 22.2, and 217.1, 718.21, 732.1(3) to (3.2), replaces s. 328(e), 362(1) d), 462.38(3) b), 538, 556, 570(5), 650(1), 703.2, 721(1), 727(4), 730(1), 735(1) b), 735(2), 800(3), 556, it repealed s. 391.

2003, ch. 8

2003, ch. 8 (Projet de loi C-10A)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (firearms) and the Firearms Act 2003, ch. 8 (Projet de loi C-10A) 13 mai 2003 30 mai 2003 and 15 août 2003 texte officiel
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Historique législatif complet
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act in order to simplify compliance with the firearms program, to modernize administrative procedures and to meet Canada’s emerging international obligations by ... in Part III of the Criminal Code, ... modernizing the description of firearms that are deemed not to be firearms for the purpose of the Firearms Act and certain provisions of the Criminal Code, ... providing that there is no forfeiture of goods that are the subject of a prohibition order made under section 515 of the Criminal Code, and ... providing that an authorization, licence or registration certificate for firearms be revoked or amended only for the period that a prohibition order made under that section is in force;"
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 84(1) [definition], 115(1.1). It replaces s. 84(3) d)(i) et (ii), 85(1) a), 109(1) c), 116, 117.07(2)(h), 515(4.1) c).

2002, ch. 22

2002, ch. 22 (Projet de loi C-47)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Excise Act, 2001 2002, ch. 22 (Projet de loi C-47) 13 juin 2002 Sur sanction royale and July 1, 2003 texte officiel
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Consequential amendments to the Code in enacting the Excise Act (partially repealed at a later date)
Code modifié Sec.

It replaces s. 2 [definitions], 78(2), 183 [definitions], 462.3(b.1) [definitions].

2002, ch. 13

2002, ch. 13 (Projet de loi C-15A)
37th Parl., 1st sess.
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Full: An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to amend other Acts
Short: Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2001
2002, ch. 13 (Projet de loi C-15A)
37th Parl., 1st sess.
4 juin 2002 23 juillet 2003 (s. 79), 1 juin 2004 (s. 24 to 46, 48, 59 and 72) texte officiel
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"This enactment amends the Criminal Code by ... adding offences and other measures that provide additional protection to children from sexual exploitation, including sexual exploitation involving use of the Internet; ... increasing the maximum penalty for criminal harassment; ... making home invasions an aggravating circumstance for sentencing purposes; ... creating an offence of disarming, or attempting to disarm, a peace officer; ... codifying and clarifying the review process for applications to the Minister of Justice with respect to allegations of miscarriage of justice; and ... reforming and modernizing criminal procedure with respect to ... procedural aspects of preliminary inquiries, ... the disclosure of expert evidence, ... rules of court in relation to case management and preliminary inquiries, ... electronic documents and remote appearances, ... a plea comprehension inquiry scheme, ... private prosecutions, ... the selection of alternate jurors, and ... restriction on the use of agents."
Code modifié Sec.

It added s. 3.1, 163.1(4.1) et (4.2), 164.1, 164.2, 164.3, 172.1, 270.1, 348.1, 482.1, 507.1, 536.2 to 536.5, 537(1)(j.1), 537(1.1), 540(7) to (9), 579.01, 606(1.1), (1.2) et (5), 626.1, 631(2.1), 634(2.1), 642.1, 650.01, 650.02, 657.3(3) to (7), 683(2.1) et (2.2), 688(2.1), 696.1 to 696.6, 715(4), 774.1, 802.1. It replaced s. 7(2.31) b), 7(4.2) et (4.3), 161(1), 163.1(3), (6), and (7), 164(4), 264(3) a), 274, 275, 276(1), 277, 482(2), 482(3) c), 485(1.1), 485(2.1), 507(1), 529.1(b), 535, 536(2), 536(4), 536.1(2) to (5), 537(1)(i), 540(1) a), 549(1.1) et (2), 554(2), 555(3) a), 555.1(3) et (4), 556(2) b), 556(3) et (4), 557, 560(1), 561(2), 561.1(1) to (3), 561.1(5) to (7), 562.1(1) et (2), 563.1(1), 565(2), 566.1(1) et (2), 567 to 568, 569(1), 574, 577, 598(2), 625.1(2), 631(3), (4), and (5), 632(b), 634(2), 641(1), 642(1), 643(1) et (1.1), 646, 650(1), 673 [in part], 676(5), 679(7), 689(1), 731.1, 734.3, 742.2, 753.1(2) a), 785 [in part], 810.01(2) et (6), 810.1(1) to (4), 810.2(2) et (7), 822(4), 841 to 849, Form 7.1, (b), Form 11.1, (a). It repeals s. 214 [in part], 690.

2002, ch. 7

2002, ch. 7 (Projet de loi C-39)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Yukon Act 2002, ch. 7 (Projet de loi C-39) 1 avril 2003 27 mars 2002 texte officiel
Texte CanLII
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The Act intends to "replace the Yukon Act in order to modernize it and to implement certain provisions of the Yukon Northern Affairs Program Devolution Transfer Agreement, and to repeal and make amendments to other Acts".
Code modifié Sec.
It amends s. 2, 552, schedule to Part XXV, it replaces s. 8(1) a), 164(8) d), 188(4)(f), 287(6)(e), 320(8) d), 493(e), 533, 745.6(3)(f), 745.64(2), 812(1)(h), and 814(4).

2002, ch. 1

2002, ch. 1 (Projet de loi C-7)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Youth Criminal Justice Act 2002, ch. 1 (Projet de loi C-7) 19 Février 2002 1 avril 2003 texte officiel
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Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 487.04 [definitions], 487.051(1), 487.052(1), 487.053(b), 487.056(1), 487.071(1) a) et (b), 667(1), 718.3(4), 721(3) b), 743.4 and 743.5, Form 5.03, Form 5.04.

2001, ch. 41

2001, ch. 41 (Projet de loi C-36)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Anti-terrorism Act 2001, ch. 41 (Projet de loi C-36) 18 décembre 2001 18 décembre 2001, 24 dec 2001, 7 janvier 2002, 1 Février 2002, 28 juin 2002, and 2 juillet 2003 texte officiel
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It "amends the Criminal Code to implement international conventions related to terrorism, to create offences related to terrorism, including the financing of terrorism and the participation, facilitation and carrying out of terrorist activities, and to provide a means by which property belonging to terrorist groups, or property linked to terrorist activities, can be seized, restrained and forfeited. It also provides for the deletion of hate propaganda from public web sites and creates an offence relating to damage to property associated with religious worship."
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 83.01, 83.02, 83.03, 83.04, 83.05, 83.06, 83.07, 83.08, 83.09, 83.1, 83.11, 83.12, 83.13, 83.14, 83.15, 83.16, 83.17, 83.18, 83.19, 83.2, 83.21, 83.22, 83.23, 83.24, 83.25, 83.26, 83.27, 83.28, 83.29, 83.3, 83.32, 83.33, 231(6.01), 320.1, 424.1, 430(4.1), 431.1, 431.2, 462.48(1) d), 486(2.101), (2.102), (2.11), (2.2), (4.11), 490.1(1.1), 515(4.3), 515(6) a)(iii) to (v), 718.2(a)(v), 743.6(1.2)

It replaces s. 2 [definitions], 7(3), 7(3.71) to (3.75), 7(7), 7(10), 183, 185(1.1), 186(1.1), 186.1, 196(5), 424, 431, 462.3 [in part], 486(2.11) et (2.2), 486(4.1), 486(4.7) b) to (e), 486(4.9) c), 487.04(a)(i) [in part], 515(4.1), 515(4.2), 810.01(1), 810.01(3), 811[in part].

2001, ch. 37

2001, ch. 37 (Projet de loi C-46)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (alcohol ignition interlock device programs) 2001, ch. 37 (Projet de loi C-46) 18 décembre 2001 18 dec 2001 texte officiel
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"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to allow the court to authorize repeat offenders subject to driving prohibition orders to drive, if they register in a provincial alcohol ignition interlock device program. The enactment provides that no authorization has effect until a minimum period of prohibition has been completed of 3, 6 or 12 months for a first, second or subsequent offence, respectively."
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 259(1.1) to (1.4)

2001, ch. 32

2001, ch. 32 (Projet de loi C-24)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (organized crime and law enforcement) and to make consequential amendments to other Acts 2001, ch. 32 (Projet de loi C-24) 18 décembre 2001 7 janvier 2002 and 1 février 2002 texte officiel
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"The enactment amends the Criminal Code by ... providing additional protection to members of the Senate and the House of Commons and persons who play a role in the administration of criminal justice from certain acts of intimidation directed against them or their families; ... providing law enforcement officers and other persons acting at their direction with circumscribed protection from criminal liability for certain otherwise illegal acts committed in the course of an investigation or enforcement of an Act of Parliament; ... extending the application of its proceeds of crime provisions to indictable offences under the Criminal Code and other Acts of Parliament, with a few exceptions; ... extending the application of its provisions relating to offence-related property to indictable offences under the Criminal Code; ... providing for the management, by judicial order, of proceeds of crime and offence-related property, whether seized or restrained; and ... providing broader measures for investigation and prosecution in connection with organized crime by expanding the concepts of criminal organization and criminal organization offence and by creating three new offences relating to participation in the activities — legal and illegal — of criminal organizations, and to the actions of their leaders." It requires a review of s. 25.1 tto 25.4 after 3 years.
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4, 231(6.2), 423.1, 462.3(1) ["proceeds of crime"], 462.3(1) [definitions], 462.3(2) to (4), 462.32(4.1), 462.331, 462.38(2.1), 462.43(2), 467.11, 467.12, 467.13, 467.14, 486(1.5), 486(2.101), 490.2(4.1), 490.41, 490.81, 515(4.1)(b.1), 743.6(1.2). It replaces s. 2 [definitions], 183 [definitions], 185(1.1), 186(1.1), 186.1, 196(5), 423(1), 462.3 [number change], 462.31(1) a) et (b), 462.32(1), 462.33(3), 462.33(3.1), 462.33(7), 462.34(6) a)(i), 462.34(6) b), 462.36, 462.37(1) et (2), 462.38(1), 462.38(2) b), 462.38(3), 462.39, 462.41(2) c), 462.41(3) a), 462.42(1) a), 462.42(4), 462.47, 462.48(1), 462.48(2), 462.48(2) d), 462.48(3), 467.1, 467.2, 486(2.11) et (2.2), 486(4.1), 486(4.7) b) to (e), 486(4.9) c), 490.1(1), 490.1(2) et (3), 490.2(1) et (2), 490.2(3), 490.4(2) c), 490.4(3) a), 490.5(1) a) et (b), 490.5(4) a), 490.8(2) a), 490.8(3), 490.8(8) a), 515(4.2), 515(6) a)(ii), 631(3) to (5), 632, 633, 641, 643(1) et (2), 645(5), 743.6(1.1), 810.01(1) et (3),

It repeals s. 462.3(1) [definitions].

2001, ch. 27

2001, ch. 27 (Projet de loi C-11)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 2001, ch. 27 (Projet de loi C-11) 1 novembre 2001 28 juin 2002 (partially repealed) texte officiel
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Incidental amendments to the Criminal Code in creating the IRPA.
Code modifié Sec.
It amends s. 462.3, it replaces s. 477.1(a)(ii).

2001, ch. 26

2001, ch. 26 (Projet de loi C-14)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Canada Shipping Act, 2001 2001, ch. 26 (Projet de loi C-14) 1 novembre 2001 1 juillet 2001 texte officiel
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Incidental amendments to the Criminal Code when introducing the Canada Shipping Act.
Code modifié Sec.
It repeals s. 44.

2000, ch. 25

2000, ch. 25 (Projet de loi C-18)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (impaired driving causing death and other matters) 2000, ch. 25 (Projet de loi C-18) 29 juin 2000 15 mars 2001 final bill text Historique législatif complet
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 255(3), 256(1). It repeals s. 553(c)(vii).

2000, ch. 24

2000, ch. 24 (Projet de loi C-19)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act 2000, ch. 24 (Projet de loi C-19) 29 juin 2000 23 octobre 2000 final bill text
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Code modifié Sec.
It repeals s. 7(3.71) to (3.77). It modifies s. 183, 469, 745. It replaces s. 607(6).

2000, ch. 17

2000, ch. 17 (Projet de loi C-22)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act 2000, ch. 17 (Projet de loi C-22) 29 juin 2000 28 octobre 2001 final bill text
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Minor incidental amendments to Code relating to Proceeds of Crime Act
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 488.1(11).

2000, ch. 10

2000, ch. 10 (Projet de loi S-10)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend The National Defence Act, the DNA Identification Act, and the Criminal Code 2000, ch. 10 (Projet de loi S-10) 29 juin 2000 30 juin 2000 final bill text Historique législatif complet
This Act makes amendments to the Code to "extend the prohibition against unauthorized use of bodily substances and the results of forensic DNA analysis to include those obtained under the National Defence Act." It also "amendments to the Criminal Code clarify and strengthen the existing regime concerning the taking of bodily substances for the purpose of forensic DNA analysis."
Code modifié Sec.
It modifies s. 487.03, 487.057(1), 487.06, replaces s. 487.053, 487.055(2), 487.055(3.1), 487.056(2), (3), 487.058, 487.07 (1), (3), 487.071(1), 487.08(1), (1.1), (2), (2.1), and 487.091(3). It adds FORM 28.1.

2000, ch. 2

2000, ch. 2 (Projet de loi C-202)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (flight) 2000, ch. 2 (Projet de loi C-202) 30 mars 2000 30 mars 2000 final bill text Historique législatif complet
Code modifié Sec.
It adds s. 249.1, and replaces s. 259(2), 622(5).

2000, ch. 1

2000, ch. 1 (Projet de loi C-7)
Nom de l'acte Citation Sanction royale En vigueur Texte d'amendement Débats et documents gouvernementaux
An Act to amend the Criminal Records Act and to amend another Act in consequence 2000, ch. 1 (Projet de loi C-7) 30 mars 2000 1 août 2000 final bill text Historique législatif complet
This act makes minor amendments to the Code.
Code modifié Sec.
It replaces s. 750(4).

Voir également