Demande d’aide médicale à mourir (infraction)

De Le carnet de droit pénal
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Assisted Dying
Art. 241.3, 241.4 du
élection / plaidoyer
choix du mode de poursuite hybride
une procédure sommaire doit être initiée dans les 12 mois de l'infraction (786(2))
Jurisdiction cour provinciale

cour sup. avec jury (*)
cour sup. devant juge seul(*)

* processus d’un acte criminel.
dispositions sommaires
Absolution (730)

ordonnances de probation (731(1)(a))
amende (734)
amende + probation (731(1)(b))
prison (718.3, 787)
prison + probation (731(1)(b))
prison + amende (734)

ordonnances de sursis (742.1)
minimum Aucun
maximum 18 months incarcération
disposition des
actes d'accusation
Absolution (730)*

Ordonnances de probation (731(1)(a))*
Amende (734)*
Amende + Probation (731(1)(b))*
Prison (718.3, 787)
Prison + Probation (731(1)(b))
Prison + Amande (734)
Ordonnances de sursis (742.1)*

(* varies)
maximum 5 years incarcération
Éléments d'infraction
résumé des cas de la peine


Les infractions relatives à assisted dying offences se retrouvent dans la partie VIII du Code Criminel concernant les « Atteintes contre la personne et la réputation ».

Choix du
mode de poursuite
Élection de la défense
l'art. 536(2)
Enquête préliminaire
s. 241.3 [failure to comply with safeguards] Infraction(s) hybride Yes (* seulement si la Couronne procède par acte d'accusation) (moins de 14 ans maximum)
s. 241.4(1) [forgery in relation to medical request] Infraction(s) hybride Yes (* seulement si la Couronne procède par acte d'accusation) (moins de 14 ans maximum)
s. 241.4(2) [destruction of documents] Infraction(s) hybride Yes (* seulement si la Couronne procède par acte d'accusation) (moins de 14 ans maximum)

Les infractions sous s. 241.3 [failure to comply with safeguards], s. 241.4(1) [forgery in relation to medical request] and s. 241.4(2) [destruction of documents] sont hybrides avec un Élection de la Couronne. S'il est poursuivi par acte d'accusation, il y a une Élection de la défense du tribunal en vertu de l'art. 536(2) au procès devant une cour provinciale, un juge de cour supérieure seul ou un juge de cour supérieure avec jury.

Infraction(s) Avis de comparution
par un agent de la paix

l'art. 497
Comparution obligatoire de l'accusé sans arrestation
l'art. 508(1), 512(1), or 788
Liberer par un
agent de la paix
avec promesse

l'art. 498, 499, and 501
Mise en liberté provisoire
l'art. 515 à 519
Direct pour assister au test d'empreintes digitales, etc.
Loi sur l'identification des criminels

l'art. 2 ID des crim.
s. 241.3 [failure to comply with safeguards]
s. 241.4(1) [forgery in relation to medical request]

Lorsqu'il est inculpé en vertu du s. 241.3, l'accusé peut recevoir une citation à comparaître sans être arrêté. S'il est arrêté, il peut être libéré par l'officier qui l'a arrêté en vertu de l'article 498 ou 499 sur la base d'un engagement assorti ou non de conditionl'art. Il peut également être libéré par un juge en vertu de l'article 515.

Lorsqu'il est inculpé en vertu de s. 241.4(1), l'accusé peut recevoir une avis de comparution sans être arrêté en vertu de l'art. 497 ou une sommation. S'il est arrêté, il peut être libéré par l'agent qui l'a arrêté conformément à l'art. 498 ou 499 sur un engagement avec ou sans conditionl'art. Il peut également être libéré par un juge en vertu de l'art. 515.

Reverse Onus Bail

Si la police décide de traduire l'accusé devant un juge conformément à l'art. 503, il y aura une présomption contre la mise en liberté sous caution (c'est-à-dire un inversion du fardeau de la preuve) si l'infraction, poursuivie par voie de mise en accusation, a été commise :

  • en liberté sous l'art. 515 [libération sous caution], 679 ou 680 [libération en attendant l'appel ou la révision de l'appel] (l'art. 515(6)(a)(i));
  • « au profit, sous la direction ou en association » avec une « organisation criminelle » (l'art. 515(6)(a)(ii));
  • lorsque l'infraction concernait une arme, à savoir une arme à feu, une arbalète, une arme prohibée, une arme à autorisation restreinte, un dispositif prohibé, des munitions, des munitions prohibées ou une substance explosive, alors que l'accusé faisait l'objet d'une ordonnance d'interdiction empêchant la possession de ces éléments (l'art. 515(6)(a)(viii)) ; ou
  • lorsque l'accusé n'est pas "un résident habituel du Canada" (l'art. 515(6)(b)).

Et, quel que soit le choix de la Couronne, si l’infraction alléguée en était une :

  • lorsque l'infraction était une allégation de violence contre un "partenaire intime" et l'accusé avait déjà été reconnu coupable d'une infraction de violence contre un "partenaire intime" ( l'art. 515(6)(b.1));
  • lorsque l'infraction alléguée est un manquement au sens de l'art. 145(2) à (5) tandis que (l'art. 515(6)(c));
  • lorsque l'infraction commise (ou conspirée pour commettre) était une infraction à l'art. 5 à 7 de la LRCDAS qui est passible de l'emprisonnement à perpétuité (l'art. 515(6)(d));
Publication Bans

Pour toutes les poursuites pénales ou réglementaires, il existe une interdiction générale discrétionnaire de publication, à la demande de la Couronne, de la victime ou du témoin, afin d'interdire la publication de "toute information susceptible d'identifier la victime ou le témoin" en vertu de l'article 486.5(1), lorsque cela est "nécessaire" à la "bonne administration de la justice". D'autres interdictions de publication sont possibles, notamment l'interdiction de publier des preuves ou d'autres informations résultant d'une audience de mise en liberté sous caution (article 517), d'une enquête préliminaire (article 539) ou d'un procès avec jury (article 648). Dans toutes les poursuites intentées contre des adolescents, il existe une interdiction obligatoire de publier les renseignements qui tendent à identifier les jeunes accusés en vertu de l'article 110 de la LSJPA ou les jeunes victimes en vertu de l'article 111 de la LSJPA.

Offence Designations
Infraction(s) Admissible à
l'écoute électronique

l'art. 183
Infraction désignée
comme délinquant dangereux

l'art. 752
Sévices graves
à la personne

l'art. 752
Consentement du
procureur général requis
Infraction criminelle
l'art. 36 IRPA
s. 241.3 [failure to comply with safeguards] and 241.4

Voir ci-dessous Ordres de condamnation annexes pour plus de détails sur les désignations relatives aux ordres de condamnation.

Offence Wording

Non-respect des mesures de sauvegarde

241.3 Le médecin ou l’infirmier praticien qui, dans le cadre de la prestation de l’aide médicale à mourir, omet sciemment de respecter, sous réserve du paragraphe 241.2(3.2), toutes les exigences prévues aux alinéas 241.2(3)b) à h) ou aux alinéas 241.2(3.1)b) à k), selon le cas, et au paragraphe 241.2(8) est coupable :

a) soit d’un acte criminel passible d’un emprisonnement maximal de cinq ans;
b) soit d’une infraction punissable sur déclaration de culpabilité par procédure sommaire.

2016, ch. 3, art. 32019, ch. 25, art. 802021, ch. 2, art. 2

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 241.3


241.4 (1) Everyone commits an offence who commits forgery in relation to a request for medical assistance in dying.

Destruction of documents

(2) Everyone commits an offence who destroys a document that relates to a request for medical assistance in dying with intent to interfere with

(a) another person’s access to medical assistance in dying;
(b) the lawful assessment of a request for medical assistance in dying;
(c) another person invoking an exemption under any of subsections 227(1) or (2) [exemption for medical assistance in dying and exception for aiding practitioners], 241(2) to (5) [aiding suicide – exemption for related persons] or 245(2) [Fait d’administrer une substance délétère – exemption]; or
(d) the provision by a person of information under section 241.31 [filing information].

(3) Everyone who commits an offence under subsection (1) [forgery in relation to assisted dying] or (2) [document destruction re assisted dying] is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Definition of document

(4) In subsection (2) [document destruction re assisted dying], document has the same meaning as in section 321 [offences against rights of property – definitions].

2016, c. 3, ss. 3, 5; 2019, c. 25, s. 81.

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 241.4(1), (2), (3), et (4)

Draft Form of Charges

Voir également: Draft Form of Charges
"QUE [nom complet de l'accusé] est accusé d'avoir, entre le <DATE> jour de <MOIS>, <ANNÉE> et le <DATE> jour de <MOIS>, <ANNÉE>***, à ou près de <COMMUNAUTÉ/VILLE/VILLE>, <PROVINCE>, ... " OU
« QUE [nom complet de l'accusé] est accusé d'avoir, le ou vers le <DATE> jour de <MOIS>, <ANNÉE>, à ou près de <COMMUNAUTÉ/VILLE/VILLE>, <PROVINCE>, ... » OU
"ET DE PLUS, au même moment et au même endroit précités, il [ou elle]..."
Article du Code Objet de l'infraction Projet de libellé
241.3 "..., contrairement à l'art. 241.3 du « Code criminel ».
241.4(1) forgery re MAID "..., did commit forgery in relation to a request for medical assistance in dying, to wit: [conduct], contrairement à l'art. 241.4(1) du « Code criminel ».
241.4(2) "..., did destroy a document that relates to a request for medical assistance in dying with intent to interfere with [name1]’s access to medical assistance in dying, the lawful assessment of a request for medical assistance in dying, [name1] invoking an exemption under any of subsections 227(1) or (2), 241(2) to (5) or 245(2), or the provision by a person of information under section 241.31 contrairement à l'art. 241.4(2) du « Code criminel ».

Proof of the Offence

Prouver Failure to comply with safeguards selon l'art. 241.3 doit inclure :

  1. identité de l'accusé comme coupable
  2. date et heure de l'incident
  3. juridiction (y compris la région et la province)

Prouver Forgery in Relation to Assisted Dying selon l'art. 241.4 doit inclure :

  1. identité de l'accusé comme coupable
  2. date et heure de l'incident
  3. juridiction (y compris la région et la province)

Interpretation of the Offence

Eligibility for medical assistance in dying

241.2 (1) A person may receive medical assistance in dying only if they meet all of the following criteria:

(a) they are eligible — or, but for any applicable minimum period of residence or waiting period, would be eligible — for health services funded by a government in Canada;
(b) they are at least 18 years of age and capable of making decisions with respect to their health;
(c) they have a grievous and irremediable medical condition;
(d) they have made a voluntary request for medical assistance in dying that, in particular, was not made as a result of external pressure; and
(e) they give informed consent to receive medical assistance in dying after having been informed of the means that are available to relieve their suffering, including palliative care.
Grievous and irremediable medical condition

(2) A person has a grievous and irremediable medical condition only if they meet all of the following criteria:

(a) they have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability;
(b) they are in an advanced state of irreversible decline in capability; and
(c) that illness, disease or disability or that state of decline causes them enduring physical or psychological suffering that is intolerable to them and that cannot be relieved under conditions that they consider acceptable.
(d) [Repealed, 2021, c. 2, s. 1]

(2.1) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(a), a mental illness is not considered to be an illness, disease or disability.

Safeguards — natural death foreseeable

(3) Subject to subsection (3.2), before a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner provides medical assistance in dying to a person whose natural death is reasonably foreseeable, taking into account all of their medical circumstances, without a prognosis necessarily having been made as to the specific length of time that they have remaining, the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner must

(a) be of the opinion that the person meets all of the criteria set out in subsection (1);
(b) ensure that the person’s request for medical assist­ance in dying was
(i) made in writing and signed and dated by the person or by another person under subsection (4), and
(ii) signed and dated after the person was informed by a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner that the person has a grievous and irremediable medical condition;
(c) be satisfied that the request was signed and dated by the person — or by another person under subsection (4) — before an independent witness who then also signed and dated the request;
(d) ensure that the person has been informed that they may, at any time and in any manner, withdraw their request;
(e) ensure that another medical practitioner or nurse practitioner has provided a written opinion confirming that the person meets all of the criteria set out in subsection (1);
(f) be satisfied that they and the other medical practitioner or nurse practitioner referred to in paragraph (e) are independent;
(g) if the person has difficulty communicating, take all necessary measures to provide a reliable means by which the person may understand the information that is provided to them and communicate their decision; and
(h) immediately before providing the medical assist­ance in dying, give the person an opportunity to withdraw their request and ensure that the person gives express consent to receive medical assistance in dying.
(i) [Repealed, 2021, c. 2, s. 1]
Safeguards — natural death not foreseeable

(3.1) Before a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner provides medical assistance in dying to a person whose natural death is not reasonably foreseeable, taking into account all of their medical circumstances, the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner must

(a) be of the opinion that the person meets all of the criteria set out in subsection (1);
(b) ensure that the person’s request for medical assistance in dying was
(i) made in writing and signed and dated by the person or by another person under subsection (4), and
(ii) signed and dated after the person was informed by a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner that the person has a grievous and irremediable medical condition;
(c) be satisfied that the request was signed and dated by the person — or by another person under subsection (4) — before an independent witness who then also signed and dated the request;
(d) ensure that the person has been informed that the person may, at any time and in any manner, withdraw their request;
(e) ensure that another medical practitioner or nurse practitioner has provided a written opinion confirming that the person meets all of the criteria set out in subsection (1);
(e.1) if neither they nor the other medical practitioner or nurse practitioner referred to in paragraph (e) has expertise in the condition that is causing the person’s suffering, ensure that they or the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner referred to in paragraph (e) consult with a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner who has that expertise and share the results of that consultation with the other practitioner;
(f) be satisfied that they and the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner referred to in paragraph (e) are independent;
(g) ensure that the person has been informed of the means available to relieve their suffering, including, where appropriate, counselling services, mental health and disability support services, community services and palliative care and has been offered consultations with relevant professionals who provide those services or that care;
(h) ensure that they and the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner referred to in paragraph (e) have discussed with the person the reasonable and available means to relieve the person’s suffering and they and the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner referred to in paragraph (e) agree with the person that the person has given serious consideration to those means;
(i) ensure that there are at least 90 clear days between the day on which the first assessment under this subsection of whether the person meets the criteria set out in subsection (1) begins and the day on which medical assistance in dying is provided to them or — if the assessments have been completed and they and the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner referred to in paragraph (e) are both of the opinion that the loss of the person’s capacity to provide consent to receive medical assistance in dying is imminent — any shorter period that the first medical practitioner or nurse practitioner considers appropriate in the circumstances;
(j) if the person has difficulty communicating, take all necessary measures to provide a reliable means by which the person may understand the information that is provided to them and communicate their decision; and
(k) immediately before providing the medical assistance in dying, give the person an opportunity to withdraw their request and ensure that the person gives express consent to receive medical assistance in dying.
Final consent — waiver

(3.2) For the purposes of subsection (3), the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner may administer a substance to a person to cause their death without meeting the requirement set out in paragraph (3)(h) if

(a) before the person loses the capacity to consent to receiving medical assistance in dying,
(i) they met all of the criteria set out in subsection (1) and all other safeguards set out in subsection (3) were met,
(ii) they entered into an arrangement in writing with the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner that the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner would administer a substance to cause their death on a specified day,
(iii) they were informed by the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner of the risk of losing the capacity to consent to receiving medical assistance in dying prior to the day specified in the arrangement, and
(iv) in the written arrangement, they consented to the administration by the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner of a substance to cause their death on or before the day specified in the arrangement if they lost their capacity to consent to receiving medical assistance in dying prior to that day;
(b) the person has lost the capacity to consent to receiving medical assistance in dying;
(c) the person does not demonstrate, by words, sounds or gestures, refusal to have the substance administered or resistance to its administration; and
(d) the substance is administered to the person in accordance with the terms of the arrangement.
For greater certainty

(3.3) For greater certainty, involuntary words, sounds or gestures made in response to contact do not constitute a demonstration of refusal or resistance for the purposes of paragraph (3.2)(c).

Advance consent invalidated

(3.4) Once a person demonstrates, by words, sounds or gestures, in accordance with subsection (3.2), refusal to have the substance administered or resistance to its administration, medical assistance in dying can no longer be provided to them on the basis of the consent given by them under subparagraph (3.2)(a)(iv).

Advance consent — self-administration

(3.5) In the case of a person who loses the capacity to consent to receiving medical assistance in dying after self-administering a substance, provided to them under this section, so as to cause their own death, a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner may administer a substance to cause the death of that person if

(a) before the person loses the capacity to consent to receiving medical assistance in dying, they and the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner entered into an arrangement in writing providing that the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner would
(i) be present at the time the person self-administered the first substance, and
(ii) administer a second substance to cause the person’s death if, after self-administering the first substance, the person lost the capacity to consent to receiving medical assistance in dying and did not die within a specified period;
(b) the person self-administers the first substance, does not die within the period specified in the arrangement and loses the capacity to consent to receiving medical assistance in dying; and
(c) the second substance is administered to the person in accordance with the terms of the arrangement.
Unable to sign

(4) If the person requesting medical assistance in dying is unable to sign and date the request, another person — who is at least 18 years of age, who understands the nature of the request for medical assistance in dying and who does not know or believe that they are a beneficiary under the will of the person making the request, or a recipient, in any other way, of a financial or other material benefit resulting from that person’s death — may do so in the person’s presence, on the person’s behalf and under the person’s express direction.

Independent witness

(5) Any person who is at least 18 years of age and who understands the nature of the request for medical assist­ance in dying may act as an independent witness, except if they

(a) know or believe that they are a beneficiary under the will of the person making the request, or a recipient, in any other way, of a financial or other material benefit resulting from that person’s death;
(b) are an owner or operator of any health care facility at which the person making the request is being treated or any facility in which that person resides;
(c) are directly involved in providing health care serv­ices to the person making the request; or
(d) directly provide personal care to the person making the request.

(5.1) Despite paragraphs (5)(c) and (d), a person who provides health care services or personal care as their primary occupation and who is paid to provide that care to the person requesting medical assistance in dying is permitted to act as an independent witness, except for

(a) the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner who will provide medical assistance in dying to the person; and
(b) the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner who provided an opinion under paragraph (3)(e) or (3.1)(e), as the case may be, in respect of the person.
Independence — medical practitioners and nurse practitioners

(6) The medical practitioner or nurse practitioner providing medical assistance in dying and the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner who provides the opinion referred to in paragraph (3)(e) or (3.1)(e) are independent if they

(a) are not a mentor to the other practitioner or responsible for supervising their work;
(b) do not know or believe that they are a beneficiary under the will of the person making the request, or a recipient, in any other way, of a financial or other material benefit resulting from that person’s death, other than standard compensation for their services relating to the request; and
(c) do not know or believe that they are connected to the other practitioner or to the person making the request in any other way that would affect their objectivity.
Reasonable knowledge, care and skill

(7) Medical assistance in dying must be provided with reasonable knowledge, care and skill and in accordance with any applicable provincial laws, rules or standards.

Informing pharmacist

(8) The medical practitioner or nurse practitioner who, in providing medical assistance in dying, prescribes or obtains a substance for that purpose must, before any pharmacist dispenses the substance, inform the pharmacist that the substance is intended for that purpose.


(9) For greater certainty, nothing in this section compels an individual to provide or assist in providing medical assistance in dying.

2016, c. 3, s. 3; 2021, c. 2, s. 1.
[annotation(s) ajoutée(s)]

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 241.2(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), et (9)

Failure to comply with safeguards

241.3 A medical practitioner or nurse practitioner who, in providing medical assistance in dying, knowingly fails to comply, subject to subsection 241.2(3.2), with all of the requirements set out in paragraphs 241.2(3)(b) to (h) or paragraphs 241.2(3.1)(b) to (k), as the case may be, and with subsection 241.2(8) is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

2016, c. 3, s. 3, 2019, c. 25, s. 80, 2021, c. 2, s. 2

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 241.3

Filing information — practitioners

241.31 (1) Unless they are exempted under regulations made under subsection (3), a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner who carries out an assessment of whether a person meets the criteria set out in subsection 241.2(1) or who receives a written request for medical assistance in dying must, in accordance with those regulations, provide the information required by those regulations to the recipient designated in those regulations.

Filing information — responsible for preliminary assessments

(1.1) Unless they are exempted under regulations made under subsection (3), any person who has the responsibility to carry out preliminary assessments of whether a person meets the criteria set out in subsection 241.2(1) must, in accordance with those regulations, provide the information required by those regulations to the recipient designated in those regulations.

Filing information — pharmacist and pharmacy technicians

(2) Unless they are exempted under regulations made under subsection (3), a pharmacist who dispenses a substance in connection with the provision of medical assistance in dying, or the person permitted to act as a pharmacy technician under the laws of a province who dispenses a substance to aid a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner in providing a person with medical assistance in dying, must, in accordance with those regulations, provide the information required by those regulations to the recipient designated in those regulations.


(3) The Minister of Health must make regulations that he or she considers necessary

(a) respecting the provision and collection, for the purpose of monitoring medical assistance in dying, of information relating to requests for, and the provision of, medical assistance in dying, including
(i) the information to be provided, at various stages, by medical practitioners, nurse practitioners, persons referred to in subsection (1.1) who have the responsibility to carry out preliminary assessments, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, or by a class of any of them, including
(A) the elements considered in the course of the assessments — preliminary or otherwise — of whether a person meets the criteria set out in subsection 241.2(1),
(B) information respecting the race or indigenous identity of a person who requests or receives medical assistance in dying, if the person consents to providing this information, and
(C) information — other than information that must be provided in relation to the assessment of eligibility to receive medical assistance in dying and the application of safeguards — respecting any disability, as defined in section 2 of the Accessible Canada Act, of a person who requests or receives medical assistance in dying, if the person consents to providing that information,
(ii) the form, manner and time in which the information must be provided,
(iii) the designation of a person as the recipient of the information, and
(iv) the collection of information from coroners and medical examiners;
(b) respecting the use, analysis and interpretation of that information, including for the purposes of determining the presence of any inequality — including systemic inequality — or disadvantage based on race, Indigenous identity, disability or other characteristics, in medical assistance in dying;
(b.1) respecting the protection, publication, and disclosure of that information;
(c) respecting the disposal of that information; and
(d) exempting, on any terms that may be specified, a class of persons from the requirements set out in subsections (1) to (2).
Guidelines — information on death certificates

(3.1) The Minister of Health, after consultation with representatives of the provincial governments responsible for health, must establish guidelines on the information to be included on death certificates in cases where medical assistance in dying has been provided, which may include the way in which to clearly identify medical assist­ance in dying as the manner of death, as well as the illness, disease or disability that prompted the request for medical assistance in dying.

Offence and punishment

(4) A medical practitioner or nurse practitioner who knowingly fails to comply with subsection (1), a person having the responsibility to carry out preliminary assessments who knowingly fails to comply with subsection (1.1) or a pharmacist or pharmacy technician who knowingly fails to comply with subsection (2),

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment of not more than two years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Offence and punishment

(5) Everyone who knowingly contravenes the regulations made under subsection (3)

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment of not more than two years; or
(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

(6) In performing his or her functions or duties under subsection (3), the Minister of Health must, when appropriate, consult with the minister responsible for the status of persons with disabilities.

2016, c. 3, s. 4; 2021, c. 2, s. 3.

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 241.31



241.1 The following definitions apply in this section and in sections 241.2 to 241.4 [provisions re medically assisted dying].
"medical assistance in dying" means

(a) the administering by a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner of a substance to a person, at their request, that causes their death; or
(b) the prescribing or providing by a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner of a substance to a person, at their request, so that they may self-administer the substance and in doing so cause their own death. (aide médicale à mourir)

"medical practitioner" means a person who is entitled to practise medicine under the laws of a province. (médecin)

"nurse practitioner" means a registered nurse who, under the laws of a province, is entitled to practise as a nurse practitioner — or under an equivalent designation — and to autonomously make diagnoses, order and interpret diagnostic tests, prescribe substances and treat patients. (infirmier praticien)

"pharmacist" means a person who is entitled to practise pharmacy under the laws of a province. (pharmacien)

2016, c. 3, s. 3.

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 241.1


Exemption for medical assistance in dying

227 (1) No medical practitioner or nurse practitioner commits culpable homicide if they provide a person with medical assistance in dying in accordance with section 241.2 [procedure relating to assisted dying].

Exemption for person aiding practitioner

(2) No person is a party to culpable homicide if they do anything for the purpose of aiding a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner to provide a person with medical assistance in dying in accordance with section 241.2 [procedure relating to assisted dying].

Reasonable but mistaken belief

(3) For greater certainty, the exemption set out in subsection (1) [exemption for medical assistance in dying] or (2) [exemption for person aiding practitioner] applies even if the person invoking it has a reasonable but mistaken belief about any fact that is an element of the exemption.

Non-application of section 14

(4) Section 14 [consent to death] does not apply with respect to a person who consents to have death inflicted on them by means of medical assistance in dying provided in accordance with section 241.2 [procedure relating to assisted dying].


(5) In this section, medical assistance in dying, medical practitioner and nurse practitioner have the same meanings as in section 241.1 [definitions re assisted dying].
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 227; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 34; 1997, c. 18, s. 9; 1999, c. 5, s. 9; 2016, c. 3, s. 2.
[annotation(s) ajoutée(s)]

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 227(1), (2), (3), (4), et (5)

Participation of Third Parties

Voir également: Role of the Victim and Third Parties et Testimonial Aids for Young, Disabled or Vulnerable Witnesses
Testimonial Aids

Certaines personnes qui témoignent ont le droit de demander l'utilisation d'aides au témoignage: Exclusion of Public (l'art. 486), Utilisation d'un écran de témoignage (l'art. 486), Accès à une personne de soutien pendant le témoignage (l'art. 486.1), Témoignage par lien vidéo à proximité (l'art. 486.2), Ordonnance d’interdiction de contre-interrogatoire par autoreprésentation (l'art. 486.3), and Ordonnance de sécurité des témoins (l'art. 486.7).

Un témoin, une victime ou un plaignant peut également demander une interdiction de publication (art. 486.4, 486.5) et/ou une ordonnance de non-divulgation de l'identité du témoin (art. 486.31). Voir également Interdictions de publication, ci-dessus ici.

On Finding of Guilt
Offence(s) Avis d'entente
à la victime
l'art. 606(4.1)
Victim Queried
for Interest in Agreement
l'art. 606(4.2)
[5+ years]
Avis d'entente
à la dédommagement
l'art. 737.1
Avis de déclaration
d'impact à la victime
l'art. 722(2)
s. 241.3 [failure to comply with safeguards]
s. 241.4(1) [forgery in relation to medical request]

Pour les infractions graves pour blessures corporelles ou pour le meurtre, le l'art. 606(4.1) exige qu'après avoir accepté un plaidoyer de culpabilité, le juge doit s'enquérir si « l'une des victimes avait informé le poursuivant de son désir d'être informée si une telle entente était conclue et, le cas échéant, si des mesures raisonnables ont été prises pour informer cette victime de l'accord". À défaut de prendre des mesures raisonnables lors d'un plaidoyer de culpabilité, le procureur doit « dès que possible, prendre des mesures raisonnables pour informer la victime de l'accord et de l'acceptation du plaidoyer » (l'art. 606(4.3)).

Sous l'art. 738, un juge doit demander au ministère public avant de prononcer la peine si « des mesures raisonnables ont été prises pour donner aux victimes la possibilité d'indiquer si elles demandent restitution pour leurs pertes et dommages ».

Sous l'art. 722(2), le juge doit demander « dès que possible » avant de prononcer la peine auprès de la Couronne « si des mesures raisonnables ont été prises pour donner à la victime la possibilité de préparer » une déclaration de la victime . Cela comprendra toute personne « qui a subi, ou est soupçonnée d'avoir subi, un préjudice physique ou émotionnel, un dommage matériel ou une perte économique » à la suite de l'infraction. Les individus représentant une communauté touchée par le crime peuvent déposer une déclaration en vertu de l'art. 722.2.

Sentencing Principles and Ranges

Voir également: Objectifs et principes de la détermination de la peine, Facteurs de détermination de la peine liés au délinquant, et Facteurs de détermination de la peine liés à l'infraction
Maximum Penalties

Minimum Penalties
Available Dispositions
Consecutive Sentences

Il n'y a aucune exigence légale selon laquelle les peines doivent être consécutives.



Ancillary Sentencing Order

Offence-specific Orders
General Sentencing Orders
Ordonnance Condamnation Description
Ordonnance de non-communication pendant la détention du délinquant (l'art. 743.21) tout Le juge a le pouvoir discrétionnaire d'ordonner qu'il soit interdit au contrevenant « de communiquer... avec une victime, un témoin ou une autre personne » pendant sa détention, sauf s'il « estime [qu'il] est nécessaire » de communiquer avec eux.
Ordonnances de restitution (l'art. 738) tout Une ordonnance discrétionnaire est disponible pour des éléments tels que la valeur de remplacement de la propriété ; les dommages matériels résultant d'un préjudice, de frais de fuite d'un conjoint ; ou certaines dépenses découlant de la commission d'une infraction aux articles 402.2 ou 403.
Suramende pour la victime (l'art. 737) tout Une surtaxe discrétionnaire au titre de l'art. 737 de 30 % de toute amende imposée, de 100 $ par déclaration de culpabilité par procédure sommaire ou de 200 $ par déclaration de culpabilité par acte criminel. Si l'infraction survient à compter du 23 octobre 2013, l'ordonnance comporte des montants minimums plus faibles (15 %, 50 $ ou 100 $).
General Forfeiture Orders
Confiscation Condamnation Description
Confiscation des produits de la criminalité (art. 462.37(1) ou (2.01)) tout Lorsque la culpabilité est établie pour un acte criminel en vertu du Code ou de la LRCDAS et que les biens sont des " produits de la criminalité " et que l'infraction a été " commise à l'égard de ces biens ", les biens sont confisqués au profit de Sa Majesté le Roi à la demande de la Couronne. NB : ne s'applique pas aux infractions sommaires.
L'amende tenant lieu de confiscation (art. 462.37(3)) tout Lorsqu'une Cour est convaincue qu'une ordonnance de confiscation des produits de la criminalité en vertu de l'article 462.37(1) ou (2.01) peut être rendue, mais que les biens ne peuvent pas être "soumis à une ordonnance", la Cour "peut" ordonner une amende d'un "montant égal à la valeur des biens". En cas de non-paiement de l'amende, un jugement par défaut imposant une période d'incarcération sera rendu.
La confiscation d'armes et d'armes à feu (art. 491). 491) tout Lorsqu'il y a déclaration de culpabilité pour une infraction où une "arme, une imitation d'arme à feu, un dispositif prohibé, toute munition, toute munition prohibée ou une substance explosive a été utilisée lors de la commission de [l'] infraction et que cette chose a été saisie et détenue", ou "qu'une personne a commis une infraction qui implique, ou dont l'objet est une arme à feu, une arbalète, une arme prohibée, une arme à autorisation restreinte, un dispositif prohibé, des munitions, des munitions prohibées ou une substance explosive a été saisi et détenu, que l'objet est une arme énumérée ou que l'objet connexe est lié à l'infraction", alors il y aura une ordonnance de confiscation "obligatoire". Cependant, en vertu de l'article 491(2), si le propriétaire légitime "n'a pas participé à l'infraction" et que le juge n'a "aucun motif raisonnable de croire que l'objet serait ou pourrait être utilisé pour commettre une infraction", l'objet doit être restitué au propriétaire légitime.
Confiscation de biens infractionnels (art. 490. 1) tout En cas de déclaration de culpabilité pour un acte criminel, " tout bien est un bien infractionnel " lorsque a) un acte criminel est commis en vertu de la présente loi ou de la Loi sur la corruption d'agents publics étrangers, b) il est utilisé de quelque manière que ce soit dans le cadre de la perpétration d'une telle infraction, ou c) il est destiné à être utilisé dans le cadre de la perpétration d'une telle infraction. Ces biens doivent être confisqués au profit de Sa Majesté du chef de la province. NB : ne s'applique pas aux infractions sommaires.

Record Suspensions and Pardons

Les condamnations au titre de s. 279 [kidnapping or forceable confinement] peuvent faire l'objet d'une suspension du casier conformément aux articles 3 et 4 de la Loi sur le casier judiciaire 5 ans après l'expiration de la peine pour les infractions punissables sur déclaration de culpabilité par procédure sommaire et 10 ans après l'expiration de la peine pour toutes les autres infractionl'art. Le délinquant ne peut pas voir son casier suspendu s'il a été (1) reconnu coupable d'au moins trois infractions passibles d'une peine maximale d'emprisonnement à perpétuité, et (2) pour chacune de ces trois infractions, il a été "condamné à une peine d'emprisonnement de deux ans ou plus".(Traduit par Google Traduction)

See Also
