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Vol et fraude ne dépassant pas 5 000 $ (jurisprudence des peines)

De Le carnet de droit pénal

Offence Wording

Fraud Not Exceeding $5,000

Voir également: Fraude (jurisprudence des peines) et Fraud Between 100k and 1,000k (Sentencing Cases)
Case Name Pr Ct Sentence Amount Summary
R c Song, 2017 ABPC 13 (CanLII), par MacDonald J AB PC 6 months CSO $5,000 approx The offender pleaded guilty to fraud under $5,000 in relation to 16 instances of making fraudulent refunds while working at Hudson's Bay department store.
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Harbour, 2017 QCCA 204 (CanLII) QC CA 6 months suspended sentence $1,870
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Cain, 2016 NSPC 54 (CanLII) NS PC 3 months $3,617 "the offender received a custodial sentence of 3 months for unlawful use of a credit card and fraud under. The offender was the care worker for the elderly victim. The total loss was $3,617."
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Mots clés : Aucun
R v Antle,
2016 CanLII 1516 (NL PC), {{{4}}}
NL PC $423.75
R v Murdoch,
2015 NBCA 38 (CanLII), 440 NBR (2d) 7, par Drapeau CJ
NB CA 90 days $1,555
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Girdea, 2014 ONCJ 128 (CanLII), par Nadel J ON PC
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Mots clés : Aucun
R v Sutherland,
2014 CanLII 37667 (NLPC), , [2011] NJ No. 64 (P.C.), par Gorman J
NL PC 4 months CSO
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Mots clés : employer victim — theft
R c Weatherbee, 2014 SKPC 196 (CanLII), par J SK PC
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R c Dwyer, 2014 CanLII 71476 (NL PC), par Marshall J NL PC
R c Wright, 2013 ABCA 428 (CanLII), par curiam AB CA $200 fine
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Mots clés : shoplifting
R c Zentner, 2012 ABPC 94 (CanLII), par Krinke J AB PC discharge $4,999 offender was a funeral director who was selling cremation containers and caskets but cut corners by using a different product from what was sold
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Mots clés : Aucun
R v Hynes,
2012 CanLII 11926 (NLPC), [2012] NJ 422 (NLPC), par Gorman J
NL PC discharge fraud x 2, cashed cheques stolen by boyfriend
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c CC, 2012 CanLII 16721 (NLPC), par Gorman J NL PC Ordonnances de probation
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Mots clés : extensive related record
R c Reid, 2012 CanLII 25696 (NLPC), par Gorman J NL PC 2 months CSO The offender stole clothing on two dates--prior related record with prior CSO
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Mots clés : shoplifting
R c DWJ, 2012 BCPC 15 (CanLII), par Brecknell J BC PC 12 months CSO also charged with 5 breaches; over 100 prior convictions
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Mots clés : shoplifting
R c Edmunds, 2012 NLCA 26 (CanLII), par White JA NL CA discharge guard at jail steals from employer--diagnosed with depression--heard in mental health court
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Mots clés : employer victim
R c Hoyles, 2011 CanLII 54409 (NL PC) NL PC Conditional Discharge
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Day, 2011 CanLII 8588 (NLPC), par Gorman J NL PC Absolute Absolution
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Mots clés : shoplifting
R c Bjarnason, 2011 CanLII 67010 (MBCA), par Moar JA MB CA 4 months CSO $4,250.56
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Mots clés : 18-year-old offender — no record — employer victim — $4,250.56 in value — not return
R c Douab, 2009 QCCQ 5734 (CanLII) QC PC 4 mois d'emprisonnement
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Mots clés : Aucun
R v Rockett,
2009 PECA 7 (CanLII), 873 APR 247Modèle:PerPECA
PEI CA 5 years (fraud not exceeding x 15)
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Green, 2008 MBPC 15 (CanLII), par Pollack J MB PC "The offender defrauded her employer of $4,400 through a series of seven transactions over 16 days. The offender was 39 years old with 4 children and an unemployed husband. Her rent and heating bills were in arrears. The motive for the crime was “debt management”. The learned sentencing judge imposed a conditional sentence order of 6 months followed by two years of probation." (Quoting from R c Gliddon, 2017 ABPC 38 (CanLII)), au par. 57
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Bent, 2007 NSPC 63 (CanLII), par C Williams J NS PC 9 month CSO Offender defrauded employer over many months. Breached trust. Had help of a 3rd party. No prior record. Restitution Order.
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Mots clés : Aucun
R v Gray,
2007 NBCA 54 (CanLII), 2006 CarswellNB 808, par curiam
NB CA 6 months CSO theft of 25 Oxycodone. The offender gave a confession and stated that she was considering selling some. Crown sought 6 to 9 months jail. Defence sought shorter CSO. Leave to appeal refused.
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Mots clés : employer victim
R c McLeod, 2007 YKTC 39 (CanLII), par Ruddy J YK SC 9 months after 2 mo remand lengthy property-related record; unhelpful PSR; 6 thefts; 1 possession; 1 breach; theft to support habit
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Mots clés : shoplifting
R c Hicks, 2007 NLCA 41 (CanLII), par J NL CA
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Kashuba, 2006 SKCA 103 (CanLII), par Richards JA SK CA
R c Gordon, 2004 BCCA 294 (CanLII), par Braidwood JA BC CA 20 mois d'emprisonnement
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Callaghan, 2003 NSSC 16 (CanLII), par Robertson J NS SC Absolute Absolution
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Mots clés : shoplifting
R c McSween, 2002 NSSC 225 (CanLII), par LeBlanc J NS SC discharge The offender was charged with fraud under $5,000. " McSween held himself out as a dispensing pharmacist and asked a pharmacist at another pharmacy to provide him with Dilaudid tablets, claiming his pharmacy had run out of the drugs and that a customer required them. McSween had a drug addiction and the drugs were for his personal use. As in this case, McSween voluntarily sought treatment for his addiction, pleaded guilty and had no prior criminal record. " [Source]
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Hartz, 2002 ABCA 108 (CanLII), par Paperny JA AB CA 18 mois d'emprisonnement $123,860
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Mots clés : shoplifting — employer victim — no recovery
R c Schell, 2002 ABQB 382 (CanLII), par Lee J and 2002 ABQB 439 (CanLII), par Lee J AB SC discharge possession of stolen property; stereo equipment
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Mots clés : shoplifting
R c Whitemanleft, 2000 ABPC 68 (CanLII), par Fraser J AB PC 3 mois d'emprisonnement (after remand) possess doctors’ prescription forms; $300+ merchandise
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Mots clés : shoplifting
R c Ryan, 1999 CanLII 32453 (NB KB), par Rideout J NB SC
R c Prowse, 1998 CanLII 18024 (NL CA), par Mahoney JA NL CA discharge offender stole a generator--appealed $500 fine
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Johnson, (1996), 147 N.S.R.(2d) 105 (S.C.)(*pas de liens CanLII) NS SC 1 month imprisonment $4000 offender was admissions officer at correctional facility; handled payment of fines; on 9 occasions over 6 years stole $4000; offender age 45, no record, breach of public trust
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Caron, 1996 CanLII 7024 (SK KB) SK SC
R c Galaugher, 1996 CanLII 18243 (MB CA), par Lyon J MB CA
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Berry, 1993 ABCA 376 (CanLII), par Irving JA AB CA 18 mois d'emprisonnement
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Mots clés : horses
R c Larmer, 1993 CanLII 6616 (SK CA) SK CA
R c Stewart, 1993 CanLII 6606 (SK CA), par Vancise JA SK CA
R c Dahlin, 1992 CanLII 1204 (BCCA), par McEachern CJ BC CA 6 mois d'emprisonnement 5 thefts; long but dated criminal record; original judge gave 12 months
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Mots clés : shoplifting
R v Munroe,
1991 CanLII 2485 (NSCA), , 101 N.S.R.(2d) 360 (CA), par Clarke CJ
NS CA 14 days $3998 age 18, over several months defrauded employer of $3998
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Brink, 1983 CarswellBC 1623, [1983] B.C.W.L.D. 2275, [1983] BCJ No 364(*pas de liens CanLII) BC discharge Offender was a paramedic who stole drugs to feed a narcotics addiction.
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Geddes, 1979 CanLII 2854 (MB CA), par J MB CA
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Mots clés : Aucun