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Parjure et formes d'entrave connexes (cas de détermination de la peine)

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132. Every one who commits perjury is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 132; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 17; 1998, c. 35, s. 119.

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 132


Nom de l’arrêt Prv. Cr. Peine Résumé
R c Corcoran, 2023 NBPC 8 (CanLII), par Brittain J NB PC
R c Marshall, 2023 ONCJ 267 (CanLII) ON PC 21 mois d'emprisonnement, 2 years probation, DNA
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R c Corcoran, 2023 NBPC 8 (CanLII) NB PC 15 mois d'emprisonnement (perjury)
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Marmontel, 2021 ONSC 2520 (CanLII), par Aitken J ON SC 2 ans moins un jour d'ordonnances de sursis
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c King, 2019 ONSC 2166 (CanLII), par Boucher J ON SC 2 ans d'emprisonnement "King testified as a jailhouse informant in a first-degree murder case. During the investigation and at the preliminary inquiry, he falsely claimed that he had never been a jailhouse informant in the past and he had never previously testified when, in fact, he had acted as a jailhouse informant on multiple occasions in the past.... King was 50 years old, grew up in an abusive home, had an extensive criminal record, had good family support, and was a suitable candidate for community supervision. King was sentenced to two years in prison. The key factor was the importance of complete transparency in the evidence of jailhouse informants." [1]
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R c Vanier, 2018 ONCS 4070 (CanLII), par Thorburn J ON SC 3 ans d'emprisonnement
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Hansen, 2016 ONSC 3583 (CanLII), par Braid J ON SC 5 ans d'emprisonnement The offender was convicted of perjury for conspiring with an informer to set up a drug dealer for a serious offence. He sworn a false information to obtain a residential search warrant. He was a 41 year old and had been working with Hamilton police since 2000. The offence was an abused of special trust and involved planning and deliberation.
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Schertzer, 2015 ONCA 259 (CanLII), par Benotto JA ON CA 3 ans d'emprisonnement "Five members of the Toronto Police Service Drug Squad have lied about when a search was conducted - see if it was before or after the warrant arrived at the scene. The agents falsified their notes; have lied in a subsequent information to obtain a search warrant; and gave false testimony in order to conceal the real moment of execution of the search. All of the defendants were found guilty of attempting to obstruct justice. Three of the defendants were also convicted of perjury."
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R c Millington, 2015 BCSC 1380 (CanLII), par Ehrcke J BC SC 30 mois d'emprisonnement "Millington made false statements at the inquiry into the death of Robert Dziekanski at the Vancouver International Airport. He was one of the four police officers who had detained Mr. Dziekanski at the airport. Millington applied a taser to Mr. Dziekanski five times, which led to Dziekanski’s death. The perjury was on material aspects of the encounter, and his evidence had been contradicted by video. The testimony frustrated the ability of the inquiry in its search for answers. His evidence continued over several days and unfairly cast the victim in a negative light. Millington had no prior record and many letters referencing his good character. The court referred to numerous prior cases setting out the sentencing range for perjury. The court rejected the option of a conditional sentence because it would not adequately meet the need for deterrence and denunciation."
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R c Robinson, 2015 BCSC 1535 (CanLII), par Smith J BC SC Modèle:TwoYearsLess "The accused, a police officer, was found guilty of perjury. He was present when a Taser was used against Robert Dziekanski at YVR airport. Mr. Dziekanski died later. The accused testified at a public inquiry and lied about the circumstances that led to Mr. Dziekanski's death."
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R c Lamoureux, 2015 QCCQ 11790 (CanLII), par Lachance J QC PC 10 mois d'emprisonnement
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Owen, 2015 ONCA 462 (CanLII), par Rouleau JA ON CA 18 months CSO
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Reyat, 2014 BCCA 101 (CanLII), par Saunders JA BC CA 9 ans d'emprisonnement "A jury found Reyat guilty of perjury in proceedings that alleged 19 false statements. Reyat was a key witness in the murder trial of two Air India bombers, Malik and Bagri. Reyat had falsely claimed he did not remember important details of the narrative. His evidence foreclosed a relevant line of questioning and related to central events in the matter. His conduct was characterized as a stain on the process of a mass murder trial and was a deliberate attempt to frustrate justice. Reyat had also been convicted of three counts of manslaughter related to the Air India bombing prior to the Malik and Bagri trial. He received the longest sentence in Canadian history for perjury, 9 years’ imprisonment." The offence was politically motivated. He was previously convicted of manslaughter linked to the bombing.
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R c Webster, 2014 CanLII 66459 (NL SC), par Handrigan J NL SC 6 mois d'emprisonnement
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R c Akinyemi, 2014 ONCJ 278 (CanLII), par De Filippis J ON PC 90 days imprisonment "the accused was found guilty after trial of public mischief, attempted fraud over $5,000.00 and perjury. He falsely reported the theft of his motor vehicle to defraud his insurer and, in so doing, obtained a proof of loss statement under false pretenses and lied under oath. A sentence of three months was imposed on the perjury charge, which was an adoption of the Crown’s recommendation. In passing this sentence, the Court acknowledged that this instance of perjury fell under the least serious third category earlier identified in R. v. Kusnezoff." [2]
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R c Bermudez, 2013 ONCJ 113 (CanLII), par Brewer J ON PC 3.5 ans d'emprisonnement "Burmudez plead guilty to eight counts of giving contradictory evidence in the proceedings related to his former common-law partner’s second-degree murder charge. The charge related to the death of her two-year old daughter. He gave contradictory evidence at various points in the proceedings about significant aspects of the evidence involving the commission of the offence, and his contradictions resulted in delays in the proceedings. He had a prior conviction for fraud and breach of probation. His motivation was related to his relationship with the accused. He had been abusing substances since the death of the child and his own child had been apprehended and made a ward of the state. He had a supportive family and had maintained gainful employment." He was 39 yeras old. He plead guilty and accepted responsibility. He was on strict conditions for 20 months.
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R c Talbot, [2013] OJ No 3230 (SC)(*pas de liens CanLII) ON SC 16 mois d'emprisonnement "At his bail hearing for a breach of probation charge, the accused provided two fabricated letters and gave false oral evidence suggesting that he was employed and that he required bail to maintain that employment. These actions were found to show significant planning and deliberation. The evidence was for his own benefit and it resulted in him ultimately receiving an intermittent sentence for the underlying offence. He accused was indigenous and had a history of substance abuse. He had a lengthy prior record. He plead guilty and he had participated in counselling and rehabilitative efforts."
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Dennis, 2013 BCCA 153 (CanLII), par MacKenzie JA BC CA
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R c Slobbe, 2011 BCCA 107 (CanLII), par Levine JA BC CA 3 mois d'emprisonnement
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R c White, 2010 ONSC 6539(*pas de liens CanLII) ON SC 30 mois d'emprisonnement "White gave perjured evidence in his own trial for possession of a firearm and possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. Had the accused’s evidence been accepted, it would have resulted in the police evidence being rejected. In mitigation the accused was an involved parent of two children. In aggravation, the perjury was planned and deliberate, and his sister assisted by corroborating his perjured evidence. The evidence accused the police of lying and had been repeated in multiple proceedings (in a first trial, and on the retrial following an appeal). The underlying offence was very serious." (Quoting from R c King, 2019 ONSC 2166 (CanLII))
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Dorn, 2010 ONSC 2631(*pas de liens CanLII) ON SC 2 ans d'emprisonnement "Dorn gave contradictory evidence during the murder trial of 4 of his friends. The evidence had implications for the degree of responsibility of the accused and was part of a sustained campaign to benefit his friends. It made the jury’s job more difficult and did emotional harm to the victim’s family. ... Dorn had a very positive PSR, had separated himself from his prior associates, had two young children whom he supported, and pled guilty. He was sentenced to two years in prison." [3]
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Jackson, 2010 BCCA 330 (CanLII), par Kirkpatrick JA BC CA 30 mois d'emprisonnement
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R c Adams, 2010 NSCA 42 (CanLII), par Bateman JA ON CA
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R c Rodney, 2007 CanLII 28222 (ONSC), par Ferguson J ON SC 3 months CSO
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R c Deutsch, 2007 CanLII 48986 (ONSC), par Ducharme J ON SC 1 year imprisonment
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R c Hedderson, 2006 CanLII 15422 (NL P.C.), par Gorman J NL PC 2 ans d'emprisonnement
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Corbett, 2006 BCCA 257 (CanLII), par Hall JA BC CA 1 year imprisonment
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R v JWC,
2005 BCPC 565 (CanLII), [2005] BCJ No 2710 (P.C.), par Moon J
BC PC 18 mois d'emprisonnement

The accused "filed an application in Supreme Court in Vancouver to vary the terms of his bail. [It included] a letter sworn by Mr. J.W.C. to be from his employer. The contents of the affidavit and the supporting letter explain the reasons and need for the bail variation. ...In fact, the letter attached to the affidavit was not written by Mr. J.W.C.’s employer. ... Mr. J.W.C. wrote and signed the letter without the employer’s knowledge or permission. The Bail Variation Application did not proceed." The offender was 24 years old. He had a record of B&Es, stolen property, breach of court orders x 5, assault, mischief, and public mischief

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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Steinsen, [2005] B.C.J. No. 2163(*pas de liens CanLII) BC PC 45 days "the accused was sentenced to 45 days for public mischief after having called Crime Stoppers to falsely implicate her ex-boyfriend in a local unsolved murder investigation. The subtext of the animus between them was a custody dispute involving their child. She plead guilty to the charge following a preliminary inquiry and had a minor criminal record."
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Spath, 2003 ABCA 46 (CanLII), par Russell JA AB CA 1 year imprisonment The offender testified that he waes not the driver of a vehicle while over 80 milligrams.
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Mots clés : guilty plea
R c Desmarais, 2003 CanLII 7908 (ONSC), par Nedeau J ON SC 8 mois d'emprisonnement
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R c Ericksen, 2002 YKTC 61 (CanLII), par Faulkner J YK SC 7 mois d'emprisonnement
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Colbourne, 2002 ABPC 141 (CanLII), par Semenuk J AB PC 90 days jail testified in traffic court and accused was acquitted as a result; limited record
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R c Langevin, 2001 ABQB 302 (CanLII), par Lee J AB SC 16 months CSO
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R v CD,
2000 CanLII 3118 (ON CA), 132 OAC 133 (CA), par curiam
ON CA 1 year imprisonment "CD committed perjury in circumstances intended for his own benefit. He had applied for bail pending appeal from his sexual assault convictions. In his supporting affidavit, he had falsely sworn that two employers knew of his convictions and were willing to hire him notwithstanding if he were to be released. The court of appeal noted that graver circumstances, such as giving false evidence in the trial of a serious matter, would generally merit a heavier sentence. His 1-year sentence, which was consecutive to his sexual assault sentence, was recognized as being within the range."
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R c MacIver, 2000 MBCA 82 (CanLII), par Scott CJ MB CA 8 years (global) The offender was convicted of income tax evasion, 4 counts of perjury, and one count making false statements. He participated in a sophiticated scheme over a long period of time to hide funds overseas. He was a 68 year old lawyer who was in poor health with no prior record. The Crown appealed a sentence of 21 months Conditional sentence and a one million dollar fine.
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R c Jonas, 1998 CanLII 17690 (ON CA), par curiam ON CA 15 month (perjury)
7 years (global)
"Jonas lied at his own bail hearing stage about the circumstances of a prior conviction, by suggesting that the circumstances of the conviction arose from his involvement in assisting police. His defence at trial was that he did not intend to mislead. He had a prior lengthy record including administration of justice offences and had three times served penitentiary sentences. He had a recent good work report, and a limited work history due to prior sentences."
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R v Johnson,
1996 CanLII 4835 (NB CA), [1996] 182 NBR (2d) 373, par Bastarache JA
NB CA 3 mois d'emprisonnement
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R c Sheppard, [1995] NJ No 330 (P.C.)(*pas de liens CanLII) NL 6 mois d'emprisonnement
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Van Straten, 1994 ABCA 135 (CanLII) AB CA 1 year imprisonment "The accused was convicted of perjury for giving false oral evidence during a Provincial Court hearing, which was convened to reconsider his in absentia speeding conviction. The accused had initially filed an affidavit claiming he was not the individual stopped for speeding." [4]
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R c Costain, 1994 CanLII 8798 (PE SCAD), par Mitchell JA CA 6 months + Probation
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R c Bricker, 1994 CanLII 630 (ON CA), par Laskin JA ON CA 6 mois d'emprisonnement
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R c Martin, 1993 CanLII 8213 (NB QB), par Creaghan J NB SC 3.5 ans d'emprisonnement "The accused pleaded guilty to perjury. He testified falsely in a murder trial 2 e degree that the victim was already dead when he arrived home with his friend Mr. Gallant. He sought to give the false impression that Mr. Gallant could not have killed her." He had a minor criminal record.
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R c Kusnezoff, 1991 CanLII 1968 (BC C.A.), par Lambert JA BC CA 18 mois d'emprisonnement testimony in drug trafficking trial; good psr; limited record
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R v Crawford,
1988 CanLII 9689 (NS CA), 81 NSR (2d) 88, par Clarke CJ
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R c Jordan, 1986 ABCA 168 (CanLII), par Laycraft CJ AB CA 2.5 and 4 years "The two accused, Sager and Jordan, pleaded guilty to perjury charges. This is Schimmens' friend and girlfriend, who have been charged with first degree murder. They followed Schimmens' instructions, which told them to read the transcripts of the preliminary inquiry in order to adapt their testimony so as to provide him with an alibi, but then to deny that they did that during the trial."
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R c Lau, 1994 CanLII 4640 (SK CA), par Tallis JA SK CA 6 mois d'emprisonnement The accused testified at a preliminary inquiry. Crown appeals sentence of 3 months.
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R c Moulton, [1984] NJ No 75 (CA)(*pas de liens CanLII) NL 30 days Judge called it a "lenient" sentence
Mots clés : Aucun
R v Glauser,
1981 ABCA 345 (CanLII), (1981), CR (3d) 287 , [1981] AJ No 968 (CA), par Lieberman JA
AB CA 6 ans d'emprisonnement "The accused was convicted of perjury. He witnessed the Crown at trial for the murder of his brother and another person. He falsely claimed that he did not remember certain relevant events. His brother was acquitted of the murder; the co-accused has been convicted." He had a long criminal record of dishonesty.
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R c Edward Morgan, (1979), 19 Nfld. & PEIR 176 (NLCA)(*pas de liens CanLII) NL 15 mois d'emprisonnement
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Morgan & Morgan, (1979), 19 Nfld. & PEIR 187 (NLCA)(*pas de liens CanLII) NL 3 mois d'emprisonnement
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Gilliard, (1979), 20 Nfld. & PEIR 185 (NLCA)(*pas de liens CanLII) NL 3 mois d'emprisonnement
Mots clés : Aucun
R c Hickey, (1978), 14 Nfld. & PEIR (NLCA)(*pas de liens CanLII) NL 4 mois d'emprisonnement
Mots clés : Aucun

Obstructing Justice (s. 139)

Obstructing justice

139 (1) Every one who wilfully attempts in any manner to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice in a judicial proceeding,

(a) by indemnifying or agreeing to indemnify a surety, in any way and either in whole or in part, or
(b) where he is a surety, by accepting or agreeing to accept a fee or any form of indemnity whether in whole or in part from or in respect of a person who is released or is to be released from custody,
is guilty of
(c) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or
(d) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

(2) Every person who intentionally attempts in any manner other than a manner described in subsection (1) [obstructing justice – re surety] to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

(3) Without restricting the generality of subsection (2) [obstructing justice – other conduct], every one shall be deemed wilfully to attempt to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice who in a judicial proceeding, existing or proposed,

(a) dissuades or attempts to dissuade a person by threats, bribes or other corrupt means from giving evidence;
(b) influences or attempts to influence by threats, bribes or other corrupt means a person in his conduct as a juror; or
(c) accepts or obtains, agrees to accept or attempts to obtain a bribe or other corrupt consideration to abstain from giving evidence, or to do or to refrain from doing anything as a juror.

R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 139; 2019, c. 25, s. 43.
[annotation(s) ajoutée(s)]

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 139(1), (2) et (3)


Nom de l’arrêt Prv. Cr. Peine Résumé
R c Gill, 2019 BCSC 461 (CanLII), par MacNaughton J BC SC This case "involved the accused pleading guilty to two counts of obstruction of justice arising out of his filing a false affidavit and fabricating video evidence in the course of appealing convictions before the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal arising out of a prosecution for Motor Vehicle Act offences. The accused had no criminal record and received a six-month jail sentence. His actions were deliberate and calculated and were undertaken over a period of months." (Quoting from R c Leighton, 2021 BCPC 27 (CanLII)), au par. 26
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Mills, 2018 NLCA 37 (CanLII), par Welsh JA NL CA 22 mois d'emprisonnement (global)
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Gardner, 2015 ABPC 8 (CanLII), par MacDonald J AB PC The court "sentenced the accused to 90 days jail for obstruction arising from his intentionally lying to the Court in order to secure an adjournment of an impending traffic offence trial. The accused was a court agent who made appearances with clients who were disputing traffic violations. He lied to the presiding Judge, the investigating officer, and the Crown prosecutor in his efforts to secure the adjournment. The Court found his actions calculated and flagrantly dishonest." (Quoting from R c Leighton, 2021 BCPC 27 (CanLII)), au par. 29
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R c Schertzer, 2013 ONSC 22 (CanLII), par Pardu J ON SC varied police officers found guilty of obstruction and perjury.
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R c Fortin, 2012 QCCA 883 (CanLII), par Forget JA QC CA 15 months CSO The offender was convicted of obstruction, forgery, use of forged documents, and fraud. "Over a period of one year, the appellant, a young lawyer just starting out, fabricated and used a forged legal aid mandate, a forged agreement on corollary relief, a forged judgment, a forged motion, and forged cheques; he also made false representations harming the victims and the administration of justice." (Quoting from R c Morency, 2012 QCCQ 4556 (CanLII)), au par. 107
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R c Robinson, 2012 BCSC 1134 (CanLII), par Dillon J BC SC 12 mois d'emprisonnement off-duty peace officer
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R c Viscomi, 2012 ABCA 135 (CanLII), par curiam AB CA 12 mois d'emprisonnement attempted to convince witness to recant statement--also sentenced for assault and breaches (2 months consecutive)
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R c Crazyboy, 2012 ABCA 228 (CanLII), par Martin JA (2:1) AB CA 9 mois d'emprisonnement threatening witness
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Tippett, 2011 NLTD 149 (CanLII), par Seaborn J NL SC 570 days A Joint Rec.; false evidence on a second degree murder charge
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R c Thomas, 2010 ABPC 90 (CanLII), par Fradsham J AB PC 16 mois d'emprisonnement attempted obstruction; sent a note from jail instructing associate to tell crown witness to forget evidence.
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R c Laing, 2010 ABCA 70 (CanLII), par curiam AB CA 2 ans d'emprisonnement accused in jail for shooting a girl, wrote to girl saying to go to the police
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R v Tschetter,
2009 ABPC 291 (CanLII), (2009), 466 AR 239 (Alta. Prov.Ct.), par Fraser J
AB PC 12 to 18 mois d'emprisonnement directed friend to destroy evidence of drinking and driving case; no criminal record; long provincial offence record.
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R v Ticne,
2009 BCCA 191 (CanLII), 269 BCAC 308, par Mackenzie JA (2:1)
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Gunn, 2009 ABPC 178 (CanLII), par Fradsham J AB PC
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R c Van Delft, 2007 ABPC 319 (CanLII), par Fradsham J AB PC 18 mois d'emprisonnement gave false name to police
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Mots clés : Aucun
R v Rowbottom,
2006 CanLII 2603 (NLPC), [2006] NJ No 31 (Nfld. Prov. Ct.), par Gorman J
NL PC 9 and 12 months accused threatened and bribed to witnesses in a uttering threats trial he faced
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Crazybull, 2005 ABCA 215 (CanLII), par Paperny JA AB CA 23 mois d'emprisonnement accused facing assault with a weapon allegations; threatened witness to not attend
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R c Nordman, 2004 BCSC 1295 (CanLII), par Rice J BC SC "the 25-year-old first time offender was sentenced to an 18-month jail sentence to be served in the community pursuant to a conditional sentence order. The circumstances of the offence were that he, at the behest of a friend, who had just stabbed another man, was asked to dispose of the knife used in the stabbing. He did so. The victim of the stabbing subsequently died and the accused’s friend was charged with manslaughter. It was noted that when the accused later learned of the victim’s death he made no effort to cooperate with the police when they sought to contact him to discuss the stabbing incident." (Quoting from R c Leighton, 2021 BCPC 27 (CanLII)), au par. 27
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Gill, 2003 BCCA 208 (CanLII), par Southin JA (3:0) BC CA 5 years and 10 months
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Sneve, 2001 BCCA 366 (CanLII), par Ryan JA BC CA In this case the court "granted the accused’s appeal and reduced his sentence from one of 18 months to 12 months arising out of his guilty plea to a single count of obstruction. The accused had lied to the police at his arrest for a break and enter by providing his brother’s name as opposed to his own name. He perpetuated the obstruction by continuing to use his brother’s name through and including sentencing when under his brother’s name he received a lighter sentence than he would have received had he used his own name due to his extensive criminal history. The Court of Appeal determined that a fit sentence taking into account the extent of the obstruction and the accused lengthy criminal record consisting of over 50 offences committed over a period of 20 years was 12 months as opposed to the 18 months he had received by the trial judge." (Quoting from R c Leighton, 2021 BCPC 27 (CanLII)), au par. 28
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R c Thuraisingam, , [1997] OJ No 5424 (Ont. C.J.)(*pas de liens CanLII) ON PC 2 ans d'emprisonnement
Mots clés : death threat of witness
R c Duke, [1997] AJ No 407 (P.C.)(*pas de liens CanLII) AB PC 6 mois d'emprisonnement
Mots clés : Aucun
R v CEB,
1995 CanLII 1533 (BCCA), (1995), 57 BCAC 308 (BCCA), par Carrothers JA
BC CA 15 to 18 months indirect threats and harassment in court parking lot
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Mots clés : Aucun
R v Konkolus,
1988 ABCA 127 (CanLII), (1998), 86 AR 144 (Alta.C.A.), par curiam
AB CA 12 to 18 months giving false name to police and court to avoid dangerous driving charges
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Jones, 1987 CanLII 5178 (NLSCTD), par Woolridge J NL SC 90 days intermittent
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Wales, (1978), 25 N.S.R.(2d) 628, 36 APR 628 (CA)(*pas de liens CanLII) NS CA 2 ans d'emprisonnement The "offender, who was the Deputy Chief of the Berwick Police Force, left the scene of a motor vehicle accident; persuaded another person to report accident and take responsibility for it"
Mots clés : Aucun

Public Mischief

Nom de l’arrêt Prv. Cr. Peine Résumé
R c Thompson, 2017 NSPC 18 (CanLII), par Derrick J NS PC Discharge
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R c Dhillon, 2016 BCSC 560 (CanLII), par Joyce J BC SC Ordonnances de probation The offender was kicked out of a local pub and retaliated by calling emergency police services reporting a shooting. Guilty plea to public mischief. Judge overturned joint recommendation of a discharge.
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c Gerl, 2014 SKQB 292 (CanLII), par Gunn J SK SC Discharge
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c BB, 2012 CanLII 10647 (NL PC, par Gorman J NL PC Discharge
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Mots clés : Aucun
R c TS, 2011 ONCJ 233 (CanLII), par Hearn J ON PC Discharge
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R c Di Gianni, 2011 ONCJ 792 (CanLII), par SD Brown J ON PC Discharge public mischief for making a false claim of theft
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R c Delacruz, 2010 ONSC 3060 (CanLII), par Baltman J ON SC 18 mois d'emprisonnement The offender made false allegations to children's services that his former wife's new boyfriend had sexually assaulted her daughter. The police were contacted and the investigation revealed that the allegations were false. The offence was "highly calculated". The offender had a previous conviction for public mischief and on four occasions targeted his ex-wife.
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Fabricating Evidence

Nom de l’arrêt Prv. Cr. Peine Résumé
R c Gaulton, 1986 CanLII 3433 (NLSCTD), par Woolridge J NL SC 2 mois d'emprisonnement The offender had no prior record.
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R c Webster, 2014 CanLII 66459 (NL SC), par Handrigan J NL SC 6 mois d'emprisonnement The offender plead guilty to perjury and fabricating evidence.
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Giving a False Sworn Statement

Giving Contradictory Evidence

Nom de l’arrêt Prv. Cr. Peine Résumé
R c Dorn, 2010 ONSC 2631(*pas de liens CanLII) ON SC 2 ans d'emprisonnement "Dorn was an important witness in a murder trial of four accused. He gave contradictory evidence at the trial and preliminary hearing in the matter on several points in his narrative. The evidence had implications for the degree of responsibility of the various accused and was part of a sustained campaign to benefit his friends who were accused of the murder. He had one prior related conviction involving the same matter. The impact of the contradictory evidence on the result of the trial was difficult to ascertain, though it made the jury’s task more difficult, and it had impaired the truth-seeking function of the trial. The perjury also had a negative emotional impact on the family of the victim. Dorn had an extremely positive presentence report. He had separated himself from his prior associates. He had two young children and was the primary earner in the family. He plead guilty." The offender plead guilty. He had a positive pre-sentence report and no prior record.
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R c Desnomies, 2005 SKCA 148 (CanLII), par Gerwing JA SK CA Modèle:TwoYearsLess "The accused was found guilty of presenting conflicting evidence.She testified at the preliminary inquiry of her friend, who was charged with second degree murder. She stated that her friend had confessed to killing the victim. She then presented contradictory testimony to her friend's trial, denying the confession."
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other cases
  • Beaulieu, 2005 NBQB 221 per Riordan J
  • C(JW), 2005 BCPC 565 per Moon J
  • Desnomie, 2005 SKCA 148
  • Heatherington 2005 ABCA 393