
After a judge orders a person to stand trial, he may also review any detention orders or conditions of release.[1]

  1. s. 523(2)(b)

Contraindre les témoins à témoigner

Engagement de la part de témoins

550 (1) En cas d’ordonnance adressée au prévenu lui enjoignant de subir son procès, le juge de paix qui a tenu l’enquête préliminaire peut exiger que tout témoin dont la déposition est, d’après lui, essentielle, contracte l’engagement de rendre témoignage au procès de ce prévenu et de se conformer aux conditions raisonnables prévues dans celui-ci que le juge estime souhaitables pour garantir la comparution et le témoignage du témoin lors du procès du prévenu.


(2) L’engagement peut être énoncé à la fin d’une déposition ou en être séparé.

Cautions ou dépôt pour la comparution de témoins

(3) Un juge de paix, pour toute raison qu’il estime satisfaisante, peut exiger qu’un témoin qui contracte un engagement aux termes du présent article :

a) ou bien produise une ou plusieurs cautions au montant qu’il détermine;
b) ou bien dépose entre ses mains une somme d’argent suffisante, selon lui, pour garantir que le témoin comparaîtra et témoignera.
Témoin refusant de contracter un engagement

(4) Si un témoin n’observe pas le paragraphe (1) ou (3) quand il en est requis par un juge de paix, celui-ci peut, par mandat rédigé selon la formule 24, l’envoyer à une prison de la circonscription territoriale où le procès doit avoir lieu et l’y faire détenir jusqu’à ce qu’il accomplisse ce qui est exigé de lui ou jusqu’à ce que le procès soit terminé.


(5) Lorsqu’un témoin a été envoyé en prison conformément au paragraphe (4), le tribunal devant lequel il comparaît ou un juge de paix ayant juridiction dans la circonscription territoriale où la prison est située peut, par une ordonnance rédigée selon la formule 39, le libérer de sa détention lorsque le procès est terminé.

L.R. (1985), ch. C-46, art. 550L.R. (1985), ch. 27 (1er suppl.), art. 1012019, ch. 25, art. 248

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 550(1), (2), (3), (4), et (5)

Absconding During Preliminary Inquiry

Absconding Accused
Accused absconding during inquiry

544 (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, where an accused, whether or not he is charged jointly with another, absconds during the course of a preliminary inquiry into an offence with which he is charged,

(a) he shall be deemed to have waived his right to be present at the inquiry, and
(b) the justice
(i) may continue the inquiry and, when all the evidence has been taken, shall dispose of the inquiry in accordance with section 548, or
(ii) if a warrant is issued for the arrest of the accused, may adjourn the inquiry to await his appearance,

but where the inquiry is adjourned pursuant to subparagraph (b)(ii), the justice may continue it at any time pursuant to subparagraph (b)(i) if he is satisfied that it would no longer be in the interests of justice to await the appearance of the accused.

Adverse inference

(2) Where the justice continues a preliminary inquiry pursuant to subsection (1), he may draw an inference adverse to the accused from the fact that he has absconded.

Accused not entitled to re-opening

(3) Where an accused reappears at a preliminary inquiry that is continuing pursuant to subsection (1), he is not entitled to have any part of the proceedings that was conducted in his absence re-opened unless the justice is satisfied that because of exceptional circumstances it is in the interests of justice to re-open the inquiry.

Counsel for accused may continue to act

(4) Where an accused has absconded during the course of a preliminary inquiry and the justice continues the inquiry, counsel for the accused is not thereby deprived of any authority he may have to continue to act for the accused in the proceedings.

Accused calling witnesses

(5) Where, at the conclusion of the evidence on the part of the prosecution at a preliminary inquiry that has been continued pursuant to subsection (1), the accused is absent but counsel for the accused is present, he or she shall be given an opportunity to call witnesses on behalf of the accused and subsection 541(5) applies with such modifications as the circumstances require.
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 544; 1994, c. 44, s. 55.

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 544(1), (2), (3), (4), et (5)

Justice Unable to Continue

Voir également: Loss of Judge During Proceedings
Inability of justice to continue

547.1 Where a justice acting under this Part has commenced to take evidence and dies or is unable to continue for any reason, another justice may

(a) continue taking the evidence at the point at which the interruption in the taking of the evidence occurred, where the evidence was recorded pursuant to section 540 and is available; or
(b) commence taking the evidence as if no evidence had been taken, where no evidence was recorded pursuant to section 540 or where the evidence is not available.

R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 100.

CCC (CanLII), (Jus.)

Note: 547.1