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Modèle:Age in days nts/doc

De Le carnet de droit pénal

{{#invoke:Message box|mbox}}


This acts just like {{age in days}} but will sort correctly in sortable tables.

See also

{{Duration in days nts}}

{{#invoke:navbox|navbox |name = Birth, death and age templates |navbar = |state = expanded |border =

|title = Birth, death and age templates |above = |image = |imageleft =

|bodyclass = |titleclass = |aboveclass = |belowclass = hlist |groupclass = |listclass = hlist |imageclass =

|style = |basestyle = |titlestyle = |abovestyle = |belowstyle = font-weight:bold; |imagestyle = |imageleftstyle =

|list1 = {{#invoke:navbox|navbox|child

   |navbar = plain
   |state = collapsed
   |titlestyle = ;
   |liststyle  = 
   |title = Birth, death, age
   |list1 = {{safesubst:#invoke:aligned table|table}}

{{safesubst:#invoke:aligned table|table}}

   |image = 
   |imageleft = 
   |void = 

|list2 = {{#invoke:navbox|navbox|child

   |navbar = plain
   |state = collapsed
   |titlestyle = ;
   |liststyle  = 
   |title = Age only
   |list1 = {{safesubst:#invoke:aligned table|table}}

{{safesubst:#invoke:aligned table|table}}

   |image = 
   |imageleft = 
   |void = 

|list3 = {{#invoke:navbox|navbox|child

   |navbar = plain
   |state = collapsed
   |titlestyle = ;
   |liststyle  = 
   |title = Start / end dates
   |list1 = {{safesubst:#invoke:aligned table|table}}
   |image = 
   |imageleft = 
   |void = 

|list4 = {{#invoke:navbox|navbox|child

   |navbar = plain
   |state = collapsed
   |titlestyle = ;
   |liststyle  = 
   |title = Miscellaneous
   |list1 = {{safesubst:#invoke:aligned table|table}}
   |image = 
   |imageleft = 
   |void = 

|list5 =

|list6 =

|list7 =

|list8 =

|list9 =

|list10 =

|list11 =

|list12 =

|list13 =

|list14 =

|list15 =

|list16 =

|list17 =

|list18 =

|list19 =

|list20 =

|below = * About age calculation templates
