Infractions par acte d'accusation

Version datée du 15 juillet 2024 à 20:08 par AdminF (discussion | contributions) (Remplacement de texte : « \{\{En\|([^\}\}]+)\}\} » par « en:$1 »)
Voir également: Infractions organisée par la peine, Infractions mixte et hybrides, et Infractions de proccédure sommaire

La peine minimale d'emprisonnement à perpétuité

Infraction Articles Peines minimales Temps consécutif obligatoire
Haute trahison 46(1), 47(1) et 745 25 ans sans libération conditionnelle Non
Trahison (renverser le gouvernement) 47 (2)(a), (c), or (d) et 745 N/A Non
Trahison (espionnage pendant la guerre) 47(2)(b) or (e) et 745 N/A Non
Meurtre au premier degré 235 et 745 25 ans sans libération conditionnelle Non
Meurtre au deuxième degré (avec condamnation préalable pour meurtre, crimes de guerre ou crimes contre l'humanité) 235 and 745 25 ans sans libération conditionnelle Non
Meurtre au deuxième degré 235 et 745 10 ans sans libération conditionnelle Non

La peine maximale d'emprisonnement à perpétuité

Infraction Articles Peines minimales Temps consécutif obligatoire
Infractions relatives à la proclamation 68 Aucune Non
Piraterie 74, 75 Aucune Non
Détournement 76 Aucune Non
Atteinte à la sécurité des aéronefs ou des aéroports 77 Aucune Non
Prise d’un navire ou d’une plate-forme fixe 78.1(1) Aucune Non
Acte portant atteinte à la sécurité d’un navire ou d’une plate-forme fixe 78.1(2) Aucune Non
Communication de faux renseignements – sécurité d’un navire 78.1(3) Aucune Non
Acte causant la mort ou des blessures, ou menaces contre art. 78.1(2) 78.1(4) Aucune Non
Manquement à l'obligation de diligence concernant les explosifs mettant la vie en danger 80(a) Aucune Non
Usage d’explosifs 81(1)(a), (b) and 81(2)(a) Aucune Non
Possession, etc. de matières nucléaires ou radioactives ou d’engins 82.3 Aucune Non
Utilisation ou modification de matières nucléaires ou radioactives ou d’engins 82.4 Aucune Non
Commission d’un acte criminel en vue d’obtenir une matière nucléaire, etc. 82.5 Aucune Non
infraction au profit d’un groupe terroriste 83.2 Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
charger une personne de se livrer à une activité pour un groupe terroriste 83.21(1) Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
charger une personne de se livrer à une activité terroriste 83.22(1) Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
Incitation à craindre des activités terroristes (causing death) 83.231(4) Aucune Non
s’introduit en un lieu par effraction avec l’intention d’y voler une arme à feu 98(4) Aucune Non
vol qualifié visant une arme à feu 98.1 Aucune Non
Le fait de causer la mort par négligence criminelle (usage d’une arme à feu) 220(a) 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Le fait de causer la mort par négligence criminelle (aucune arme à feu) 220(b) Aucune Non
Homicide involontaire coupable (usage d’une arme à feu) 236(a) 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Homicide involontaire coupable (aucune arme à feu) 236(b) Aucune Non
Fait de tuer, au cours de la mise au monde, un enfant non encore né 238 Aucune Non
Tentative de meurtre (with restricted or prohibited firearm) 239(1)(a)(i) and (ii) 5 or 7 years with prior Non
Tentative de meurtre (use of a firearm which is not a restricted or prohibited firearm) 239(1)(a.1) 4 years Non
Tentative de meurtre (no use of a firearm) 239(1)(b) Aucune Non
Complice de meurtre après le fait 240 Aucune Non
Fait de vaincre la résistance à la perpétration d’une infraction 246 Aucune Non
Interfere with transportation likely to cause death 248 Aucune Non
L’homicide involontaire coupable (Failure to safeguard ice opening or excavation resulting in death) 236, 263(3)(a) Aucune Non
agression sexuelle armée, menaces à une tierce personne ou infliction de lésions corporelles, plaignant est âgé de moins de seize ans
From July 17, 2015
272(2)(a.2) 5 years jail oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Agression sexuelle grave – plaignant est âgé de moins de seize ans
From November 6, 2012
273(2)(a.2) 5 ans d'emprisonnement oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Agression sexuelle grave – restricted firearm or for a criminal organization 273(2)(a)(i) and (ii) 5 or 7 years with prior Non
Agression sexuelle grave – non restricted firearm 273(2)(a.1) 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Agression sexuelle grave – sans utiliser une arme 273(2)(b) Aucune Non
Kidnapping, trafficking in persons, hostage taking and abduction with restricted firearm etc or for a criminal organization 279(1.1)(a)(i) and (ii) 5 or 7 years with prior Non
Kidnapping, trafficking in persons, hostage taking and abduction with a non-restricted firearm 279(1.1)(a.1) 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Kidnapping, trafficking in persons under the age of 16, hostage taking and abduction
From June, 2013
From June 23, 2013
5 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Kidnapping, trafficking in persons, hostage taking and abduction without a firearm 279(1.1)(b) Aucune Non
Hostage taking with restricted firearm or for benefit of criminal organization 279.1(2)(a)(i) and (ii) 5 or 7 years with prior Non
Hostage taking with a non-restricted firearm 279.1(2)(a.1) 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Hostage taking (without aggravating elements) 279.1(2)(b) Aucune Non
Traite de personnes (kidnap, aggravated assault, aggravated sexual assault, or death) 279.01(1)(a) 5 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Traite de personnes under the age of 18 years (kidnap, aggravated assault, aggravated sexual assault, or death) 279.011(a) 6 ans d'emprisonnement Oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Avortement 287(1) Aucune Non
dangerous operation when accident causes death
From December 18, 2018
320.13(3), 320.21 $1,000 fine, 30 days or 90 days jail Non
Operation While Impaired or Blood Concentration Over and Causing Death
From December 18, 2018
320.14(3), 320.21 $1,000 fine, 30 days or 90 days jail Non
Refusal When Accident Resulting in Death
From December 18, 2018
320.15(3), 320.21 $1,000 fine, 30 days or 90 days jail Non
Failure to stop after accident resulting in death
From December 18, 2018
320.16(3), 320.21 $1,000 fine, 30 days or 90 days jail Non
vol qualifié 344 Aucune Non
Robbery with non restricted firearm 344(1)(a.1) 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Robbery with restricted firearm or for benefit of criminal organization 344(1)(a)(i) and (ii) 5 or 7 years with prior Non
Stopping mail with intent to obtain 345 Aucune Non
Extortion (with restricted firearm or for the benefit of a criminal organization) 346(1.1)(a)(i) and (ii) 5 or 7 years with prior Non
Extortion (with non restricted firearm) 346(1.1)(a.1) 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Extortion (no firearm or other aggravating facts) 346(1.1)(b) Aucune Non
Break and Enter into a Dwelling House 348(1)(d) Aucune Non
méfait qui cause un danger réel pour la vie des gens 430(2) Aucune Non
Engin explosif ou autre engin meurtrier 431.2(2) Aucune Non
Incendie criminel : danger pour la vie humaine 433 Aucune Non
Conspiracy to commit murder 465(1)(a) Aucune Non
Instructing commission of offence for criminal organization 467.13(1) Aucune Oui (s. 467.14)
First or Second Degree Murder (Young Offender) 745.1 5 to 7, 10 years (variable) Non
Drug Trafficking (Schedule I) CDSA 5 Aucune Non
Drug Trafficking (Schedule I), with relevant aggravating factors (crim. org., violence, weapons, prior record)
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 5 1 year Non
Drug Trafficking (Schedule I), with relevant aggravating factors (near school, near or with young persons, in prison)
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 5 2 year Non
Drug Trafficking (Schedule II) CDSA 5 Aucune Non
Drug Trafficking (Schedule II), with relevant aggravating factors (crim. org., violence, weapons, prior record)
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 5 1 year Non
Drug Trafficking (Schedule II) with relevant aggravating factors (near school, near or with young persons, in prison)
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 5 2 year Non
Importation and exportation of drugs (Schedule I), not greater than 1 kg
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 6 Aucune Non
Importation and exportation of drugs (Schedule I), not greater than 1 kg and aggravating factors
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 6 1 year Non
Importation and exportation of drugs (Schedule I), greater than 1 kg
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 6 2 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Importation and exportation of drugs (Schedule II) CDSA 6 Aucune Non
Importation and exportation of drugs (Schedule II) with aggravating factors
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 6 1 year Non

La peine maximale de 14 ans d'emprisonnement

Infraction Articles Peines minimales Temps consécutif obligatoire
Treason (espionage while not at war) 47(2)(c) Aucune Non
Assist alien enemy 50(1)(a) and 50(2) Aucune Non
Omission to prevent treason 50(1)(b) and 50(2) Aucune Non
Intimidating Parliament 51 Aucune Non
Inciting to mutiny 53 Aucune Non
Forgery of or uttering forged passport 57(1) Aucune Non
Infractions séditieuses 61 Aucune Non
Piratical acts 75 Aucune Non
Offensive weapons and explosives on aircraft 78 Aucune Non
Breach of duty of care re explosives risking bodily harm 80(b) Aucune Non
Possession of explosive with intent to destroy property or intent to endanger life 81(1)(c),(d) and 81(2)(b) Aucune Non
Possession of explosive for criminal organization 82(2) Aucune Oui (s. 82.1)
Threats to commit an offence relating to nuclear materials 82.6 Aucune Non
Facilitating terrorist activity 83.19(1) Aucune Oui (s. 83.26)
Leaving Canada to facilitate terrorist activity 83.191 Aucune Oui (s. 83.26)
Leaving Canada to commit offence for terrorist group 83.201 Aucune Oui (s. 83.26)
Leaving Canada to commit offence that is terrorist activity 83.202 Aucune Oui (s. 83.26)
Harbouring or concealing terrorist who committed an offence with maximum penalty of life 83.23(1)(a) Aucune Oui (s. 83.26)
Using firearm in commission of offence 85(1) 1 year or 3 years with prior Oui (s. 85(3))
Using an imitation firearm in commission of offence 85(2) 1 year or 3 years with prior Oui (s. 85(3))
Bribery of judicial officers or member of a legislature 119(1) Aucune Non
Corruption de fonctionnaires 120 Aucune Non
Parjure 131, 132 Aucune Non
Témoignages contradictoires 136(1) Aucune Non
Fabrication de preuve 137 Aucune Non
Contacts sexuels 151 1 year or less jail Oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Incitation à des contacts sexuels 152 1 year or less jail Oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Making of child pornography
after July 17, 2015
163.1(2) 1 year or less jail Oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Distribution child pornography
after July 17, 2015
163.1(3) 1 year or less jail Oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Parent or guardian procuring sexual activity under 16
From July 17, 2015
170 1 year Oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Householder permitting sexual activity under 18
From July 17, 2015
171 1 year Oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Living on the avails of prostitution of person under eighteen (no parasitic involvement) 212 2 years jail Oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Procuring involving person under 18 (with parasitic involvement) 212(2.1) 5 years jail Oui (s. 718.3(7))a
Fait de conseiller le suicide ou d’y aider 241 Aucune Non
Discharging firearms with intent to wound (with aggravated factors) 244(2)(a)(i) and (ii) Minimum of 5 or 7 years with prior Non
Discharging firearms with intent to wound, maim, etc. (without aggravating factors) 244(2)(b) 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Causing bodily harm with air gun with intent 244.1 Aucune Non
Discharging firearm — recklessness (without aggravating factors 244.2 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Discharging firearm — recklessness (with aggravating factors 244.2 Minimum of 5 or 7 years with prior Non
Administer noxious thing with intent to endanger life 245(1)(a) Aucune Non
Keep trap and cause bodily harm in place to commit offence 247(4) Aucune Non
Voies de fait graves 268 Aucune Non
Torture 269.1 Aucune Non
Voies de fait graves — agent de la paix 270.02 Aucune Oui (s. 270.03)
Sexual Assault Sexual assault with restricted firearm etc weapon, threats to a third party or causing bodily harm 272(2)(a) Minimum of 5 or 7 years with prior Non
Sexual assault with a firearm that is not restricted, etc, threats to a third party or causing bodily harm 272(2)(a.1) 4 years jail Non
Sexual assault with a weapon (no aggravating elements) 272(2)(b) Aucune Non
Sexual assault causing bodily harm (no aggravating elements) 272(2)(b) Aucune Non
Sexual assault with weapon that is not a firearm, threats to a third party or causing bodily harm 272(2)(b) Aucune Non
Trafficking in persons (without enumerated aggravating factors) 279.01(2) 4 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Trafficking in persons under the age of 18 years (without enumerated aggravating factors) 279.011(b) 5 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Profiting from trafficking in persons 279.02(2) 2 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Material benefit from sexual services — person under 18 years 286.2(2) 2 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Procuring — person 18 years or over 286.3 Aucune Non
Procuring — person under 18 years 286.3 5 ans d'emprisonnement Non
Abus de confiance criminel 336 Aucune Non
Trafficking in stolen property over $5,000 355.2, 355.5 Aucune Non
Poss'n for the purpose of trafficking in stolen property over $5,000 355.4, 355.5 Aucune Non
Offence involving exchequer bill paper, public seal 369 Aucune Non
Drawing document without authority 374 Aucune Non
Obtaining instrument based on forged document 375 Aucune Non
Contrefaçon de timbres 376(1) Aucune Non
Counterfeiting mark 376(2) Aucune Non
Fraude si la valeur de l’objet de l’infraction dépasse cinq mille dollars
after September 1, 2004
380(1)(a) 2 years jail (over $1 mill., art. 380(1.1)) Non
Fraud involving a testamentary instrument 380(1)(a) Aucune Non
Fraud affecting public markets of stocks, etc. 380(2) Aucune Non
Sale of defective stores to Her Majesty 418(1) Aucune Non
Participation in fraud re sale of defective stores 418(2) Aucune Non
Intimidation d’une personne associée au système judiciaire ou d’un journaliste 423.1 Aucune Non
Attack on premises, residence or transport of internationally protected person 431 Aucune Non
Attack on premises, residence or transport of U.N. or associated personnel 431.1 Aucune Non
Arson — damage to property 434 Aucune Non
Arson causing damage to property (w/out disregard for life as in 433) 434 Aucune Non
Arson causing damage to own property (w disregard for life as in 433) 434.1 Aucune Non
Make counterfeit money 449 Aucune Non
Possession, etc. de monnaie contrefaite 450 Aucune Non
Mise en circulation, etc. de monnaie contrefaite 452 Aucune Non
Rogner une pièce de monnaie 455 Aucune Non
Fabrication, possession ou commerce d’instruments pour contrefaire de la monnaie 458 Aucune Non
Retirer d’un hôtel de la Monnaie des instruments, etc. 459 Aucune Non
Attempt or accessory to indictable offence punishable by life imprisonment 463(a) Aucune Non
Commission of offence for criminal organization 467.12(1) Aucune Oui (s. 467.14)
production de drogue (cannabis) (between 5 and 201 plants for purpose of trafficking) CDSA 7(2)(b) 6 mois Non
production de drogue (cannabis) (between 5 and 201 plants for purpose of trafficking with aggravating factors) CDSA 7(2)(b) 9 mois Non
production de drogue (cannabis) (between 201 and 501 plants for purpose of trafficking) CDSA 7(2)(b) 1 year Non
production de drogue (cannabis) (between 201 and 501 plants for purpose of trafficking with aggravating factors) CDSA 7(2)(b) 18 mois Non
production de drogue (cannabis) (greater than 500 plants for purpose of trafficking) CDSA 7(2)(b) 2 years Non
production de drogue (cannabis) (greater than 500 plants for purpose of trafficking with aggravating factors) CDSA 7(2)(b) 3 years Non

La peine maximale de 10 ans d'emprisonnement

Infraction Articles Peines minimales Temps consécutif obligatoire
Provide or collect property to further terrorism 83.02 Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
Provide property or services to further terrorism 83.03 Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
Use or possession of property to further terrorism 83.04 Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
Participation à une activité d’un groupe terroriste 83.18 Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
Leaving Canada to participate in activity of terrorist group 83.181 Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
Harbouring or concealing terrorist who committed an offence with maximum penalty of 14 years or less 83.23(1)(b) Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
HarbouringConcealing person who is likely to carry out terrorist activity 83.23(2) Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
Possession of firearm knowing its possession is unauthorized 92(1) 1 an (if one prior); 2 and mois un jour (if two or more prior) Non
Possession of prohibited weapon, device or ammunition knowing its possession is unauthorized 92(2) 1 an (if one prior); 2 and mois un jour (if two or more prior) Non
Weapons Trafficking (with any aggravating elements made out) 99(2)(a) and 99(2)(b) 3 or 5 years jail with prior Non
Weapons trafficking (w/out aggravating factors) 99(3) 1 an Non
Possession for purpose of weapons trafficking (with any aggravating elements made out) 100(2)(a) and 100(2)(b) 3 or 5 and jail with prior Non
Possession for purpose of weapons trafficking ((w/out aggravating factors) 100(3) 1 an Non
Knowingly importing or exporting of unauthorized firearms (with aggravating factors) 103(2)(a) and 103(2)(b) 3 or 5 years jail with prior Non
Knowingly importing or exporting unauthorized firearms (w/out aggravating factors) 103(2.1) 1 an Non
Procuring 212(1) Aucune Non
Dangerous operation of motor vehicle cause bodily harm 249(3) Aucune Non
Failure to stop at scene of accident (bodily harm) 252(1.2) Aucune Non
Impaired Driving and Over 80 Causing Bodily Harm 255(2), (2.1), (2.2) $1,000 fine, 30 days, 120 days Non
Blood alcohol over legal limit while causing bodily harm 255(2.1) $1,000 d'amende, 30 days or 90 days jail Non
Failure to provide sample and bodily harm 255(2.2) $1,000 fine, 30 days or 90 days jail Non
Withholding or destroying documents in respect of human trafficking, persons under 18 years 279.03(2) 1 an Non
Obtaining sexual services for consideration from person under 18 years 286.1(2) 6 mois or 1 an Non
Theft over $5,000 or testamentary instrument 334(a) Aucune Non
Possession of stolen goods over $5,000 or testamentary instrument 355(a) Aucune Non
Theft from mail 356(1) Aucune Non
Conspiracy to prosecute an innocent person for an offence punishable by life or 14 years 465(1))(b)(i) Aucune Non
Trafic de substances (Annexe III) CDSA 5 Aucune Non

La peine maximale de 7 ans d'emprisonnement

Infraction Article Peine minimale Temps consécutif
Attempt or accessory to indictable offence punishable by 14 years 463(b) varies varies
Production de substance (Cannabis) CDSA 7(2)(b) Aucune Non

La peine maximale de 5 ans d'emprisonnement

Infraction Article Peine minimale Temps consécutif
Counselling commission of terrorism offence 83.221 Aucune Oui (art. 83.26)
Set trap likely to cause bodily harm 247(1) Aucune Non
Hate propaganda 318(1) Aucune Non
Recruitment of members by a criminal organization 467.111 Aucune Oui (art. 467.14)
Recruitment of members under the age of 18 by a criminal organization 467.111 6 mois Oui (art. 467.14)

La peine maximale de 5 ans moins un jour d'emprisonnement

Infraction Articles Peines minimales Temps consécutif obligatoire
Drug trafficking (Schedule II), Cannabis resin (<=1 g) or Cannabis (<=30 g) CDSA 5(4) Aucune Non

La peine maximale de 2 ans d'emprisonnement

Infraction Articles Peines minimales Temps consécutif obligatoire
bookmaking (if no prior offences) 202(2)(a) Aucune Non
bookmaking 202(2)(b) and 202(2)(c) 14 days or 3 mois jail Non
gageure (if no prior offences) 203(d) Aucune Non
gageure 203(e) and 203(f) 14 days or 3 mois jail Non

La peine maximale de 18 mois d'emprisonnement

Infraction Articles Peines minimales Temps consécutif obligatoire
Drug possession (Schedule IV) CDSA 4(7) Aucune Non

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